To say my foam is wet would be an understatement. A small fish could've lived behind my footholds
To say my foam is wet would be an understatement. A small fish could've lived behind my footholds
make sure you seal her up good! exhaust tube, plate/pump/grate inserts, thru hull fittings, shaft, everything. even if you are using drain plugs and stuff, seal it up good anyway.
Where did you get your drain plugs? I like those a little better than the one's the WB1 have.... That boat is going to be ready for some serious abuse.
Being in New England all weekend has me stoked for skis season....I just need to stay focused on getting the jetski done. lol
Also bought a 4lb battery from walmart for 35 bucks. It'll be interesting to see how strong it cranks but I'm gonna carry a spare with me regardless.
The 4lb everstart wont work, go back and exchange it for the 8lb. I ran the 8 all last season and works good for normal starting. I'd carry a big one in the car incase you sink the boat or w/e
Alright, thanks nate. Still around half the weight of my old battery.