That thread is a joke! Compairing a molded plastic peice of crap to a Blowsion Custom Carbon Fiber chinpad.
:banghead: Same stuff different day! :banghead:
Hey Gera, what does your hull weigh without the hood? Pat said he had it on a scale and it top off at 95 lbs :sneaky:
Is there a carbon/kevlar shortage in Brazil? there is abosolutly none left here in the US because of the war
Thanks George W!!:banghead: :banghead: :bs2:
Is there a carbon/kevlar shortage in Brazil? there is abosolutly none left here in the US because of the war :[/QUOTE said:Just get it from Glue products for US$55/yd if your business suport it. I do.
Hey Gera, what does your hull weigh without the hood? Pat said he had it on a scale and it top off at 95 lbs :sneaky:
Is there a carbon/kevlar shortage in Brazil? there is abosolutly none left here in the US because of the war
Thanks George W!!:banghead: :banghead: :bs2:
A 95 pound hull is great. In my experience they seem to take a lot of abuse and keep going. That is about the range most people have asked for when ordering their hulls from me. As for the carbon/kevlar shortage, you can thank Boeing and Airbus for that, not the war. It seems as though more people want to fly!!!! Both companies have huge contracts for commercial airliners, which will last two to three more years, so don't think things will change much in the future when it comes to the availability of high end composites. I have found that the only way to get any is to have a good supplier, like Charles said, and buy bigger quantities (multiple rolls). It is hard to invest that much up front, but that is really the only choice the market has given us small guys.
I was the person that introduced U into the fyberglass market... I sold U the first top hulls, front lip molds, some hoods....
Last week I was at your shop trying to giving U some advices and changing experiences with U but....
Now the pupil is always against the teacher...
I never offered people hulls or top hulls on this web site and on any other... U know I am not inside this business.
I never sold ride plates and chinpads and have people resaling it after open the package and dont even try it.
Answering your question: I dont care if what we make hulls that weight 95 or 85 (but I know it is strong enough for everything) but I will never talk about your hulls on this web site and in any other site.
U are always making techical questions about Wamilons, Lenzi, Kevin.... If U have any doubt send a PM, email.....I know U have all the email address and phone #'s..... Dont promote your parts devalueing others. This is not ethical.
I was out of this conversation but U called my attention.... jesus.
Hey Gera, I didn't realize that my question was an attack on you ...I just inquiring about the weight, that's all!! ... If that offens you, than I apologize!:boggled:
and the other question I was asking was if you are experiencing the same problem with cabon/kevlar over in Brazil?
If I'm out of line, please let me know! obe-wan!:starwars:
I was the person that introduced U into the fyberglass market... I sold U the first top hulls, front lip molds, some hoods....
Last week I was at your shop trying to giving U some advices and changing experiences with U but....
Now the pupil is always against the teacher...
I never offered people hulls or top hulls on this web site and on any other... U know I am not inside this business.
I never sold ride plates and chinpads and have people resaling it after open the package and dont even try it.
Answering your question: I dont care if what we make hulls that weight 95 or 85 (but I know it is strong enough for everything) but I will never talk about your hulls on this web site and in any other site.
U are always making techical questions about Wamilons, Lenzi, Kevin.... If U have any doubt send a PM, email.....I know U have all the email address and phone #'s..... Dont promote your parts devalueing others. This is not ethical.
I was out of this conversation but U called my attention.... jesus.
gera, dont you sell the TKO hulls that legdrag sells?
gera, steve was just asking a question.............not attacking you
I am already after that.
right always seemed a cool guy, that post did not reflect what I thought to be your normal character
gera, do you have anything to do with the manufacturing, distribution or sales of the legdrag hulls and hoods??