Liter motor dreaming...

OCD Solutions

Original, Clean and Dependable Solutions
Rentz, GA
So, what do I win? :biggrin:

im gonna throw a nut in your carb while your not looking....

it'll still run..wont make it past the reeds :)

What? That IDOK is too tight to buy spark plugs?

why would I buy them? the lesbian at discount warrantys them for me 10 at a time...I bring her a salty roached bag of NGK's, and she hands me new ones in the box

I get them from local superjet owners

the point is they dont NEED to be changed

Matt, I understand you have had a past 'issue' w/epoxied cases. I can't comprehend why with the sale that ADA is having right now you would consider anything else.

ADA Cylinder kit (5mil so u don't go all the way thru the cases) 1500.00
2-89mm sea doo 951 pistons kits 300.00
1 set of good used cases 200.00
1 new stroker crank 1500.00
seals, gaskets, misc 100.00
labor for case work and cyl work and ass. 1000.00

grand total 4600.00
to get 895.5cc's

plus you get to pick your favorite builder to do the porting/ass. work

where's the powervalves?
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why would I buy them? the lesbian at discount warrantys them for me 10 at a time...I bring her a salty roached bag of NGK's, and she hands me new ones in the box

Sneak some pics and post them in Wilks thread!

Unless she is the butch type which she probably is working in a parts store..


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Matt, I understand you have had a past 'issue' w/epoxied cases. I can't comprehend why with the sale that ADA is having right now you would consider anything else.

ADA Cylinder kit (5mil so u don't go all the way thru the cases) 1500.00
2-89mm sea doo 951 pistons kits 300.00
1 set of good used cases 200.00
1 new stroker crank 1500.00
seals, gaskets, misc 100.00
labor for case work and cyl work and ass. 1000.00

grand total 4600.00
to get 895.5cc's

plus you get to pick your favorite builder to do the porting/ass. work

However, you are still left without power valves for a larger powerband, without 7 port transfers, and with HEAVY seapoo pistons...

Xscream 765 is a motor designed from scratch to be a freestyle/freeride engine ONLY. ADA is a general purpose/ race motor that must be modded by your 'favorite builder' and hope it works. SS765 has power valves, 7 port transfers, and custom made shorter wiseco lightweight xscream pistons ( I think almost half the weight). This package is proven, no guesswork, no baloney.

Just ride one...
However, you are still left without power valves for a larger powerband, without 7 port transfers, and with HEAVY seapoo pistons...

Xscream 765 is a motor designed from scratch to be a freestyle/freeride engine ONLY. ADA is a general purpose/ race motor that must be modded by your 'favorite builder' and hope it works. SS765 has power valves, 7 port transfers, and custom made shorter wiseco lightweight xscream pistons ( I think almost half the weight). This package is proven, no guesswork, no baloney.

Just ride one...

then again, if you end up with an ADA setup....send it to team scream and hope it runs as hard as aircraftsalz old setup...

that IS the nastiest sounding motor I have ever heard to date
However, you are still left without power valves for a larger powerband, without 7 port transfers, and with HEAVY seapoo pistons...

Xscream 765 is a motor designed from scratch to be a freestyle/freeride engine ONLY. ADA is a general purpose/ race motor that must be modded by your 'favorite builder' and hope it works. SS765 has power valves, 7 port transfers, and custom made shorter wiseco lightweight xscream pistons ( I think almost half the weight). This package is proven, no guesswork, no baloney.

Just ride one...

Thank you for that maniac. Yea and I'm guessing you mean 865 also.
I was thinking that very same thing with the power valves and 7 port cylin.I rode a few ts 865 motors and was very impressed with the linear power curve,I was hoping to ride sportfishes setup like the above mentioned,everyone who has rode it seems to say it rocks,wish I had my own conclusion I could post on that.
I question the need for power valves in freeride though,true they pull up top forever,but who can use it in the surf,I can only go but so fast anyway.I am far more concerned with a smooth torqy curve up to 30 mph MAX.Id have to ride a very sim setup motor with close to the same bore and duration to know for sure,and since dasa doesnt have any 7port large bores,this ada 5 port 89 mill seems to be the closest contender.Anyone have any pics they can contribute on exh port shape or duration?The dasa and ts are very sim in this respect.

Matt.buddy not saying that you cant do anything,but its going to be very hard to get TC distance and height with almost any motor out there.That guy just does unreal stuff,you see the pic of him doing the 360 huge reintri? Id really like to see VID instead of pics of him doing these tricks,Id like to see the approach speeds,he is holding the hull pretty much flat to the wave to boot.
MB...not trying to be a dik...but again...I am not looking for opinions on what people think I can or can not do....if I never ride like that so be it....but I am looking for info on liter motors...not opinions on riding skills/styles.
Well If you really want a liter motor and your $ isnt endless like some others here id really look at that ada 989 setup,especially if you want to do your own rebuilds,since pistons are cheap and right off the shelf. If you want to just send your stuff off and not have to turn the first bolt or do rebuilds yourself id look at the 865 harder.
Something id like to know about these stock stroke cylinders is how diff are they from the ones designed to be used with a stroker crank,and smaller bore Im a believer in longer stroke,and since I already have a few billet 5 mills Id like to use one of these 89 mill bores with a 5 mill,since I can rebuild a stroker crank in the future for about the same price as buy a oem crank anyway.
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