Liter motor dreaming...


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you can absolutey tell the difference between a pro built motor and a home built motor...EVEN WITH THE SAME PARTS!

Yup. :biggthumpup:

You just don't realize it UNTIL you have a pro built motor.


Not Dead - Notable Member
Hell, Florida
pretty sure the prices are approx this for a ss 865

kit - $3100
m/c & assy - $700
oem case/crank - $1500
oem seals & other parts- $200
boyseen intake/reeds/mod carbs $1500
flame arrestors $150

so thats around $7150

the team scream modded b-pipe is around $900

then you need your bed plates, electrics, flywheel cover

just to give approx $$ values

you can do it for much less. the kit is 2800, chucky says you can bolt a b-pipe and all the rest of the stock parts on to your motor and just use the kit as an upgrade. Obviously that isn't optimal but you can build from there.


Manners cost nothing
Barrie - ontario
no fear of them here, either...

I couldnt even tell you how many motors the crew has built here.....


proably more...

we have a boremaster in the garage..........

these are not stock motors though....big HP motors are different

custom squish
big pistons with tight tolerance
special cooling designs

Ive said it before and will again..

you can absolutey tell the difference between a pro built motor and a home built motor...EVEN WITH THE SAME PARTS!

x2.... plus you have more reliability with a pro build motor and someone to fall back on in case of problems


Manners cost nothing
Barrie - ontario
you can do it for much less. the kit is 2800, chucky says you can bolt a b-pipe and all the rest of the stock parts on to your motor and just use the kit as an upgrade. Obviously that isn't optimal but you can build from there.

the price on the website is wrong.. that was the introductary price.. its gone up

for me doing it half a$$ed makes no sense, if your getting the motor then get it built right, otherwise you dont get all of the gains or the potential from the motor, plus, if you build it yourself and there is a failure im pretty sure its going to be difficult to go back to the manufacturer as they cant warranty something they didnt build.. where as if they built it.. different story

my opinion
Damn these options are excellent and this will be hard to decide.

You guys saying you can tell the diff between the exact same parts assembled by a pro and a rider (that has built motors)...I just don't buy it.

You bore a cylinder to the pistons assemble the motor properly...easy. Again...assuming the squish and all the details (cooling line routing etc..) were the same for the pro builder/rider builder. It is just parts and gaskets and wrenching.

Tuning on the other hand...sure a builder who has tuned the same package/packages dozens of times will tune it better/quicker.

I am really digging the kit price of a "upgrade" 865 and I have zero worries that I will assemble anything wrong and if I did I would not be one of those jerks blaming it on the guy who sold me the stuff. And I am not worried about the tiny tiny bit of power I would lose by not porting my cases to the point of needing epoxy....a little porting is fine.

But if I did decide to drop 7600...DASA is getting my money. Full billet ported motor with no epoxy! But that prolly ain't happening because I'm guessing with carbs a person would be approaching 10k and I could never afford that no matter how much I love this chit!
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Manners cost nothing
Barrie - ontario
Damn these options are excellent and this will be hard to decide.

You guys saying you can tell the diff between the exact same parts assembled by a pro and a rider (that has built motors)...I just don't buy it.

You bore a cylinder to the pistons assemble the motor properly...easy. Again...assuming the squish and all the details (cooling line routing etc..) were the same for the pro builder/rider builder. It is just parts and gaskets and wrenching.

Tuning on the other hand...sure a builder who has tuned the same package/packages dozens of times will tune it better/quicker.

I am really digging the kit price of a "upgrade" 865 and I have zero worries that I will assemble anything wrong and if I did I would not be one of those jerks blaming it on the guy who sold me the stuff. And I am not worried about the tiny tiny bit of power I would lose by not porting my cases to the point of needing epoxy....a little porting is fine.

But if I did decide to drop 7600...DASA is getting my money. Full billet ported motor with no epoxy! But that prolly ain't happening because I'm guessing with carbs a person would be approaching 10k and I could never afford that no matter how much I love this chit!

pat told me that when they assemble they do some extra "stuff"

but hey if you think you can assemble a team scream or dasa motor as well as the manufacturer can then go for it

i know i couldnt


Manners cost nothing
Barrie - ontario
if you buy the kit a and send them your crank and cases then $700 to have it machined and assembled by team scream seems a good deal to me...

if you assemble it yourself you still have to have the cases machined
pat told me that when they assemble they do some extra "stuff"

but hey if you think you can assemble a team scream or dasa motor as well as the manufacturer can then go for it

i know i couldnt

the stuff is case porting and intake filling. you won't know the volumes they use to make it work as well as they do.

there are all kinds of special little tricks I have learned from them....

tell you what, call up with chuckie for a bit

then when you hang up..bow your head in shame for a moment reflecting on all you thought you knew...

then when your done...transfer to pat, and chat with him about pumps and impellers

after these 2 conversatins you will need a good nights sleep :bump:

OCD Solutions

Original, Clean and Dependable Solutions
Rentz, GA
Nothing saying you can't do it all yourself, you won't be the first either. Our buddy ScottS picked up just the top end kit and intake and then runs all his old stuff. His cases were already ported and clearanced for bigger sleeves so all they had to do was alter the transfers a bit to match and he is up and running strong with an unaltered mod chamber and a set of mikuni 46's. Everytime he rides another TS engine prepped by Chuckie he is shaking his head and then back to tuning. He knows he's missing something but he can't figure out what it is. The only thing he really hasn't done that is reccomended is the limited chamber with the reduced stinger outlet and all the other little things Chuckie does so well....

couple little things they do...
-Bore the manifold/headpipe out
-Reduce the Stinger outlet dia. on limited chamber
-fill in fingers in intake tract
-drill out return restrictor on stock Mikuni 46mm carbs
-fill in intake elbow on Full Spectrum Intake mainifold

and those are only a few things I know about, it all adds up to a complete package.
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WHAT!? Dude I have gotten 10 years out of 2 motors and only replaced one front crank seal. And the only reason the first motor went is because I sank it in Daytona and then came home to a blizzard and let it sit. And even then I used a mallet and a piece of wood and some PB blaster to get the pistons moving and rode it another 12 tanks of gas until it blew.

I have never in all my years heard of anyone preemptively replacing crank seals every year.

I am worried about epoxy because as I said I have seen it deteriorate and need picked out and re done....and I ain't buying a 5k motor with epoxy unless I have no choice.

OEM cases are forever.

what!?!?!? that is insane............. who told you that???

get over the epoxy....if it had been done by someone reputable and failed you might have an argument, then you'd have to reverse engineer to see why failed...

materials or prep..

I'd bet on prep 99% of the time...

ss 865 kit..start at the 2nd bore will get you either 847 or 849 with 1 bore your ENVY hull it woudl be absolutly nutz, boat wake backies woudl not be a problem

I belive I read that TS will also be offereing half-sizes in the near future as well.....more bores!!!

On the whole crank seal issue. They are rubber seals, after so long rubber breaks down and lets in air maybe not a huge air leak but in can be minor which over time can only get worse. Esepecialy if you are building a high dollar motor its even more pressure and wear. Why would you not put new seals in your motor every year? Hell rebuild the whole thing, its a good time to check components and change every god damn paper gasket in there! Maintanence determines your motor's peak performance, reliability and how long the components will last. I got this whole lecture from wam the man who is extremely anal about maintenance on any ski what so ever. Crank seals are cheap there's no reasone not to replace them. I could not justify buying a 5k plus motor and not taking it apart etleast once a year to make sure every thing is working as it should and replace all the gaskets. Ask jetmaniac im sure he has taken aton of motors apart and ask him how many crank seals were blown out on stock motors.

Just my thought...
Then again maybe your 1 northern season is like 3 fl

you got it backwards....3 northern seasons = 1 florida season

but either way, ripping apart a motor once a year to replace crank seals.....:no:

if you would like to use as the accepted authority on ripping apart 10 year old couch motors I will go for that...I'd hazard a guess that you will find a crank seal is not the cause of failure in the majority of these old motors
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