Got some time to work on it today. Defoam/refoam with polystyrene. Cut the top of the footholds to get ready to make them taller so I can get more padding in them. I also posted a pic to help explain the way I cut up the gunwhale on the left front.
use a DA Sander or a Sanding disc with some 80 grit paper to roughen up instead of the dremal.
Now comes the part I hate the most. Cleaning all the tray and foothold parts with acetone to get the adhesive off and roughing them up with a dremel to get ready for some fiberglass fun. I plan to have the tray finished up this weekend. Then it's time to start sanding for the paint job.
I feel like this is moving faster than I expected. I guess I'm getting better at it on my fourth go around.
I shaped the footholds with foam then used a paint remover attachment for the drill and a dremmel to get the paint, adhesive, and some gelcoat off the areas to be fiberglassed.
I mixed some microballoons in epoxy until it was thick peanut butter and rubbed it into the foam and everywhere the hull had been cut to make sure it sealed out any water in the future.
12oz biax is my bitch yet again!
I probably used about 16 squirts of epoxy/hardener with the pumps us composites sells for the total job.
ive got some no mods needed.....
i like that front heel hold looks pretty sweet!! def keep the pic coming