Freestyle McSuperfreak

Got some time to work on it today. Defoam/refoam with polystyrene. Cut the top of the footholds to get ready to make them taller so I can get more padding in them. I also posted a pic to help explain the way I cut up the gunwhale on the left front.

I just did the same thing to my trinity holds ........ I think they were made for a chinese ride that still practiced foot binding . I raised mine an inch. I would widen the tray , but don't know if I will have it long .


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NE Tenn
Quick,take that McSawzall away from shane before he cuts anymore!

And what is the deal with footholds lately.l had to raise the height of my wdk footholds too.Guess it has a lot to do with 25mm foam pad!


Other Administrator
Staff member
South Florida
Now comes the part I hate the most. Cleaning all the tray and foothold parts with acetone to get the adhesive off and roughing them up with a dremel to get ready for some fiberglass fun. I plan to have the tray finished up this weekend. Then it's time to start sanding for the paint job.

I feel like this is moving faster than I expected. I guess I'm getting better at it on my fourth go around.


NE Tenn
Now comes the part I hate the most. Cleaning all the tray and foothold parts with acetone to get the adhesive off and roughing them up with a dremel to get ready for some fiberglass fun. I plan to have the tray finished up this weekend. Then it's time to start sanding for the paint job.

I feel like this is moving faster than I expected. I guess I'm getting better at it on my fourth go around.

Quite by accident l tried using a 3M stripe eraser on my tray area.Worked like a charm and did not take any glass off! No dust bowl like conditions either.


Other Administrator
Staff member
South Florida
weekend progress

I connected the fiberglass peices to the inside to give them more to grip and left the rest dry on the ends. I plan to use foam to shape the rear and then lay the fiberglass peices over it and connecting more fiberglass to finish it off with more surface area to grip onto.


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You made that Biax YOUR BITCH . Awgrip 545 , The distributor is about 20 miles from the house .... They wont sell to individuals . Singleton marine is a local place that should have it . West Marine has it for 140 bucks a gallon ..... I think it is the gold dust version . i'll call you Tomorrow with a local price.


Other Administrator
Staff member
South Florida
Finished pouring foam. Front area shaped and ready to shape the footholds.


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Other Administrator
Staff member
South Florida
I shaped the footholds with foam then used a paint remover attachment for the drill and a dremmel to get the paint, adhesive, and some gelcoat off the areas to be fiberglassed.

I mixed some microballoons in epoxy until it was thick peanut butter and rubbed it into the foam and everywhere the hull had been cut to make sure it sealed out any water in the future.

12oz biax is my bitch yet again!

I probably used about 16 squirts of epoxy/hardener with the pumps us composites sells for the total job.


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sqeez bth levrs & lean bk
Site Supporter
I shaped the footholds with foam then used a paint remover attachment for the drill and a dremmel to get the paint, adhesive, and some gelcoat off the areas to be fiberglassed.

I mixed some microballoons in epoxy until it was thick peanut butter and rubbed it into the foam and everywhere the hull had been cut to make sure it sealed out any water in the future.
12oz biax is my bitch yet again!

I probably used about 16 squirts of epoxy/hardener with the pumps us composites sells for the total job.

The usual McFreakn' good work. The force is strong with this one.:starwars::starwars:


Customizing addict
Macon, GA
That's a lot of epoxy but I guess you put a lot of biax on there. I just remember never being able to use all the resin when using the pumps.

The heel cut out seems cool. Should help balance out a little better when riding one foot forward...not that I'd really know what that's like though. haha


Other Administrator
Staff member
South Florida
I wonder how much 16 pumps of epoxy weighs? It may have been as little as 12 since I didn't use all if the microballoon mixture or all of the last cup full of mixed epoxy.
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