Freestyle McSuperfreak


Other Administrator
Staff member
South Florida
Yes I do. Come on up.

I stripped all the pissers and such from the hull today. I also sanded the fiberglass that I just laid on the tray to get rid of the rough, sharp edges and all the strings ticking up from the biax. Then I sanded the inside of the engine bay, washed it with dish soap, and washed it with acetone in order to get it ready for some primer and some black appliance epoxy spray paint. I had to repair one of the bilge fitting holes since I'm only running one bilge pump. I used some carbon I forgot I had for that. Then I turned it over and started shaving down the strakes as per Berky's instructions.

Next work session is to do some filling with marine tex and to paint the engine bay. Then it's time to sand, prime, and paint the hull.

I'm getting there.


Other Administrator
Staff member
South Florida
I've been obsessing over for a while. Right now I'm thinking all black again with big white Superfreak, Jetworks, and Jetmaniac stickers. Black turf on the rails and tray and white turf on the gunwhales and front foothold.


Customizing addict
Macon, GA
I love the high gloss blacks. I shy away from them because the bottom of the ski with black looks crappy on a fiberglass hull after it's been beat up. With a carbon hull though, it'll be black on black so you'll never notice it. Are you stressing over the single stage or base coat clear coat now too?


Other Administrator
Staff member
South Florida
I just want it to be a shiny black. No metallic or anything. I also want to do the least amount of work for it possible. Single stage should be fine, shouldn't it?


Other Administrator
Staff member
South Florida
I did a lot of sanding today and I used a dremel with a fine bit to cut out any stress cracks to get ready for some marine-tex epoxy filler. Then I convinced my man Waternut to take and finish it out to paint with gloss black for a fee. Now it's in his capable hands until after paint. It's up to you to post pics for a while buddy. You are the man and I owe you big!

Now I'm getting started on Brande's ski. Another build thread coming.

It was awesome weather today and Waternut said the lake was 61 degrees. We better hurry up.


Customizing addict
Macon, GA
This thing has been sanded for a while but I finally got around to priming it. Top deck and the underside of the hood are primed now. I've discovered a couple spots where the marinetex left air bubbles so those will have to have some filler added and reprimed.


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Customizing addict
Macon, GA
Man I've painted WAY too much stuff this winter. Anyway here is the bottom deck... I did get one run because the wind wouldn't stop and I got impatient. At least I can clean that up when I do the top deck though.


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Customizing addict
Macon, GA
Although it looks done. There is a small fish eye and some dust specs on the nose piece and another run on the bottom deck where I got the run last time. Thankfully, both problems are some of the easiest places to mask off and fix.


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