Super Jet My 1st Superjet

Wrap the hood with some Carbon Fiber Vinyl. You can get it in sheets on ebay for #30 for 5' x 5'. It looks real good to and will last. Dont try painting it, Itll scratch off so quick.
11/21/11 The hood was peeling when I purchased it. The owner claimed he never abused the ski and Tom21 told me that the problem was a factory defect. While minor when purchased, it took less than 2 months for the ski to look very bad. My girlfriend liked that the ski resembled an Orca when I did subs, but I wasn't too fond of the apperence. I stripped the hood paint. It needs a bit more prep and should be painted the week after Thanksgiving. I'd like to install handholds while I have it in the present condition, but I am unsure of the steps and want the ski back together ASAP.

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what method did you use to remove the rest of the paint off the hood?


Super Hero, with a cape!
St. Pete, FL
I used a window scraper. Most of it peeled right off. Other places required me to be careful to not gouge the hood. I think I did the whole hood and left one tiny mark. The stock paint is completely garbage and peels right off.


formerly superjet444
Middle Georgia
My RN peeled like hell on both sides of the hood too. Every ride I would lose a couple more inches of paint then finally said screw it and had it repainted.


Super Hero, with a cape!
St. Pete, FL
I have a plastic scraper from home depot that is only 1" long. It's like $2 with 10 blades in the pack. You wont be able to get the middle with the bigger 3-4" scrapers. They break faster than the cheap plastic ones anyway. Only hard part was the corners by the extinguisher.


Super Hero, with a cape!
St. Pete, FL
Today I was going to see about taking my bearing housing to have the driveshaft pressed back into the proper position. That is when I realized that something is wrong. Here is a picture...
I can move the drive shaft around effecting the one side. The other side does not move. On the affected side, when I pull back the edge of the seal I can faintly see light from the other side. The shaft spins freely but obviously this is not correct. It's not just the seal. The entire driveshaft can be rocked towards that side by applying only a small amount of pressure. I know on my Kawi I'd have to replace the entire assembly. I'm assuming on the Superjet I need a rebuild kit. Please let me know what I need to do.

Just as a bonus, here's the pictures I already posted of th housing.
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The housing is toast and will need to be replaced. Rebuild kit just replaces bad bearing and seals.


Super Hero, with a cape!
St. Pete, FL
My dealer called me and said my new housing is in. Is there any specific measurement or etc to have the drive shaft pressed to? I'm going to take it to a local shop that does work way cheaper than the dealer so they wont know exactly what to do. Pressing in the shaft is obviously pretty easy, but what started this was my shaft needing to be repressed back into the correct position, so they can't just measure it and press it to the same spot.


Super Hero, with a cape!
St. Pete, FL
Can anyone please give me some direction on the mid shaft. My engine guy was worried he might damage the seals. He does mostly boat motors. He'd do the job like $10 and the dealer wants 45.


Super Hero, with a cape!
St. Pete, FL

My carbs are the stockers. I am guessing they are 38's.

I made my hand hold cups by making some boarders out of card board and packing tape. Then sanded and shaped them the way I liked them.


Dry layup some glass.

Pulled parts.



Dry layup a hood liner. (from Andre's stock hood)

Wax and PVA'ed Andre's liner.

Wet layup.

New liner.
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Super Hero, with a cape!
St. Pete, FL

New housing with shaft installed (paid the shop to do it)

Bilge, Shaft and motor installed.


Painted the inside of the hood.

Painted the inside of the liner.


Hand holds painted.


My helmet is done.


Hood paint (it's too thin, I need to put a few more layers of paint but the weather was not accomidating)

Outside of the liner.
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Super Hero, with a cape!
St. Pete, FL

5200 hand holds


5200 liner


Christmas Odi's!

Hood reassmebled.

Back on the water.
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Super Hero, with a cape!
St. Pete, FL
Got busy. Didn't update the thread. The last 3 posts covers the last few weeks.

I got a new mid shaft assembly and had the shaft moved over. I installed the bilge bracket and the bilge. I am very please with the results. I also got a set of Odi rogues with silver clamps for Xmas, so those are installed and looking pretty sweet.

I tried a few things to make the hand hold cups like using cups but was never happy with the outcome. I ended taping some cardboard into the hood and pouring foam into the area I had made. I then standed to shape, laid up some glass and pulled the parts. I used 17oz biax. I didn't feel like getting crazy making a hood liner. I waxed and PVA'ed Andre's hood, then I poured in some foam, sanded that down. I then waxed and PVA'ed the whole liner, laid up and pulled a liner, again out of 17 oz biax. I learned a single layer of 17oz biax is strong enough for such a project, but the gaps in the weave leaves small holes. I patched what I could, but ended up leaving them as I didn't want to lay down another layer of glass. Overall, It's not to my expectations, but time, money and patience being factors, I settled for function. I bonded everything with 5200. I was going to use epoxy, but 5200 will fill any gaps and be more removeable later (since I wasn't completely happy with the final outcome).

I painted everything with a single stage gloss black paint. It was only $13 a quart. I went to the auto paint store and they wanted $70 for 2-stage paint. Considering my lack of experience with painting, and more importantly, my lack of suitable place to paint (in the middle of my yard), I settled for the less expensive paint. Unfortantly the weather got lame and much colder. I only got to put down two layers of paint on the hood. I need a minimum of 3, but more likely 4-5. I put it on thin and the white of the glass can be seen through the lower portion of the hood. The paint is also too thin to be sanded. Since I still need to put down more paint, I can't sand, compound, buff or wax it. Despite that, it will look ok for Daytona.
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Super Hero, with a cape!
St. Pete, FL
As some of you may know, I got kind of frustrated with my Superjet. Tampa is a :):):):) place for surf and I don't have the kind of money to sink into a flat water ski. I spend a lot of my ride time racing buoy's and thought a SXR may be the better way to go for me. I looked and wasn't able to find something I would be happy with. I can't compete with the SXRs but I can have a good time and I can count on my Superjet to never break. Hopefully my X2 will be done soon and I can race with it or sell it for enough to buy a SXR/similar and still keep my SJ.

So, for the 1st time in 5 years, I took the advice of Tom21, de-puckered and purchased some improvements for my SJ.

Jetmaniac has been more than patient with me over the last 2 weeks. He worked with me on some used parts, most of them 1 at a time, set them aside and shipped as one package to save me some money.

Today my package arrived...

New Cold Fusion throttle, New JM BB throttle cable, New Wilke style ratchet hood strap kit, Used 10/18 Skat-Trak prop with tool, Used ADA girdled head kit with New 35cc 180 PSI domes and bracket for stock pipe.


I plan to put on the prop 1st and see how that changes things. The head will come later on, maybe even after Daytona if I can't find the time. The other parts are repair/maintenance so they will be installed asap.

Oh, and Funny story, this all started over a broken throttle cable and a desire for a ADA head. I asked Jetmaniac if he had any used throttles that would prevent breakage with my 0* bars, which lead to the Cold Fusion throttle, which opened my up for a Jetmaniac BB throttle cable, since I was saving on shipping, I ordered a Wilke style Jetmaniac ratchet kit (the second ratchet w/ no hardware is for my X2). During this transaction he had the arrival of a used ADA head, and found a prop. All of this originated from a broken throttle cable. Like I said, Jetmaniac was more than patient over the last 2 weeks.

Also, on 10/27/12, I scrapped my 650sx, before doing so I removed the lifter wedges and installed them on my SJ. I want to do something much nicer with my tray, but this is the only time of year for Surf in Tampa, and I don't want to be rushed for Daytona.


Super Hero, with a cape!
St. Pete, FL
Posting these so I don't have to worry about loosing them. Cleaned my carbs the other day.

Stock jetting
130 main
70 pilot
1.5 N&S
Spring - Front brown - rear silver

My carbs don't have H/L adjustment screws?? The place where they should be has a flat cover.

My ski also still has a hesitation when I start it. It only happens the 1st start up or when it sits for 30+ minutes. I start the ski and it fires right up and idles perfect, but it takes about 20-30 seconds of idling before I get any throttle response. If I try to give it gas, it either chokes or stalls. Once it runs for a moment, it runs just fine, starts right up and gets going like new every time. I don't have a way to test the pop-off. Maybe my N&S are sticking and it struggles to get them open in the beginning. Has that not getting the fuel feeling that resolves quickly and doesn't come back until it sits a while.
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