ncbrock's Gulf Tribute stunt hull kit assembly


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Thanks for the info guys. I just had a long conversation with Paul and we decided that the angle of attack should be between 5 and 7 degrees for the pump. I plan to put a level on the chines with the bottom deck on the stand and adjusting it untill the chines are level. Then putting the level on the pump and adjusting it for 5-7 degrees downward thrust from the hull. I wonder if the variations on how some of the stunts ride is because the angle of attack was not consistent on the different hulls.

hmm I didnt know about the 5-7 deg . makes since.

I tried to be at about 0 deg


Other Administrator
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South Florida
I mocked everything up at 5 degrees. It took a lot of shimming on the pump. The midshaft was about 4 inches off the bottom of the hull. I then dry fit the topdeck and saw that it was not going to work. The footwell and the midshaft housing wanted to be in the same place. That didn't seem right so I called Dan and he said he always just bolts it straight up. Dan called me right back after I left him a message and was very helpful. I might be shimming the pumpshoe instead of the pump afterall.


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South Florida
Progress. Bulkhead is being secured by 4 layers of 12 oz biax. Everything is aligned. 2 degrees of downward angle of the pump is all that I could get. I had to shim the shoe with a thin washer to get it down that small and it requires some shims on the pump that can be removed to bring it to zero degrees if needed. You can also see some extra biax on the pump area. It came from Dan that way. A little adjustment since Sanoman's issues? Go Dan!


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Other Administrator
Staff member
South Florida
Trying to decide where to put the footholds.


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Other Administrator
Staff member
South Florida
I think if I put them any further back than the furthest back pictured, I will have to cut away part of the ankle support of the foothold.


NE Tenn l bought a set of tom21 footholds.They are large,but still fit well.Lots of cusion.What brand are those?


Customizing addict
Macon, GA
I would recommend pretty far back because you really don't want to be riding with a low nose on this ski. One more thing to consider with foothold placement is how big your foot is. Mine are pretty far back and I have a size 9 foot. My foot is about an inch or two from the back edge depending on how I angle my feet.


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Staff member
South Florida
Progress. I lined the motor up with the bedplates on it and fiberglassed the ends to mark where it needed to be. Now it is time to fill in the middle area and fiberglass the plates in. The cabosil and epoxy marked the exact location for the bedplates. I also used epoxy and cabosil on the inserts since I had some extra when I was done. I will 5200 over them to seal them off still, but my pliogrip tube exploded out the back on me and will have to be hand mixed for any use.

Does anyone see a problem with cabosil and epoxy for the inserts?

I also got my stunt hull cart tank from Dan.


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NE Tenn
A couple of pics from an insert l had to move after a week being bonded to the bulkhead.l've been using Lord Fusor #116 for cross bonding metal to fiberglass.l used a putty knife and a hammer to get it off.Most automotive paint stores will carry this bonding comes in a single tube,so you can use a regular caulk gun.PM if you have any more questions.

The bond held like it is supposed too.


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hey MC, how do you plan on placing your cart tank? are you going to have an external fill or internal? i got a cart tank similar to that one and the only way to get to the fill internally is if i turn it sideways? im still scratching my head over what to do about tank and water box? and also just scratched my side exit exhaust idea... im starting to think im a more bolt together type guy!!!

OCD Solutions

Original, Clean and Dependable Solutions
Rentz, GA
Main Entry: mas·och·ism
Pronunciation: \ˈSt-unt-hull\
Function: noun
Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary, from Leopold von Sacher-Masoch †1895 German novelist
Date: 1892
1 : a sexual perversion characterized by pleasure in being subjected to pain or humiliation especially by a love object — compare sadism
2 : pleasure in being abused or dominated : a taste for suffering
dont get me wrong, im super happy with the hull,, im just not a very motivated person when it comes to projects and have very limited tools since i moved from its just everything iv done so far iv kida had some one elest do it for me, or had to borrow their tools! but mines comming along good i think,, hoping on a 3 week from now debut!? but still rounding up a few parts.. been working a few hrs here or there on it when i can.. plus i realy havent spent too much money on it, been scavanging stuff trying to keep cost low..


NE Tenn
dont get me wrong, im super happy with the hull,, im just not a very motivated person when it comes to projects and have very limited tools since i moved from its just everything iv done so far iv kida had some one elest do it for me, or had to borrow their tools! but mines comming along good i think,, hoping on a 3 week from now debut!? but still rounding up a few parts.. been working a few hrs here or there on it when i can.. plus i realy havent spent too much money on it, been scavanging stuff trying to keep cost low..

Kenny,did you buy a kit or half(a$$)way done Stunt?
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