Need help finding sunkin' ski (Not Anymore!!!)


Matakana Menace
Yeah, theres oxygen in all water.....but to rust at a regular rate doesnt the metal need a better oxygen source air? He can bring it up with very little rust most likey. The titanic is rusting like hell cause its been under there for a friggin long time not to mention the salt

Sorry guys, there is a hell of a lot more oxygen than you think at 18' in fresh water, and things will rust more quickly than we would like to believe. Personally, I would be more concerned about the silt, as it get's everywhere and acts like a sponge (holding water).

Regardless, I hope he get's his ski back and running quickly!:biggthumpup:

Air Gramps

Air Gramps
Virginia Beach
OK, the "no oxygen" was obviously a little too much....Just trying to say I believe the motor will not be a rust bucket. Titanic, Come on :biggthumpup: .

I pulled an outboard out of a salt river after a week, and fired it up that night.


OK, the "no oxygen" was obviously a little too much....Just trying to say I believe the motor will not be a rust bucket. Titanic, Come on :biggthumpup: .

I pulled an outboard out of a salt river after a week, and fired it up that night.

yeah... the titanic comparison was a bit much. :dunno:


thanks darin...noswad!
My wife who does lake monitoring where we live, tells me the dissolved oxygen tends to relate to the temerature at depth. In other words, the colder, the better. It seems to drop off fast after 6-8 feet here, and almost none at 42'.
killing time for a few minutes while waiting for luke to pic me up. We have 7 guys going tonight to try again. Hopefully will be posting pics of a ski tonight. I'd bet it's full of silt but not rusted. A quick teardown, cleaning and oiling it up ought to get it going. We think its the ski but theres a couple of other sunken boats (one dragboat) and a fourwheeler out there somewhere too.


So long and thanks for all the fish
killing time for a few minutes while waiting for luke to pic me up. We have 7 guys going tonight to try again. Hopefully will be posting pics of a ski tonight. I'd bet it's full of silt but not rusted. A quick teardown, cleaning and oiling it up ought to get it going. We think its the ski but theres a couple of other sunken boats (one dragboat) and a fourwheeler out there somewhere too.

Oooma loooma, oooma loooma, oooma loooma (it's a chant, come on, do it with me!)


Yes, my balls tickled from that landing
Charlotte, NC
Oooma loooma, oooma loooma, oooma loooma (it's a chant, come on, do it with me!)

Alose,Alose,, Omo Pupa Omo Pupa,, Mbira Frekoba Ire Do Do Ye, Wasalu
Alose,Alose,, Omo Pupa Omo Pupa,, Mbira Frekoba Ire Do Do Ye, Wasalu
Alose,Alose,, Omo Pupa Omo Pupa,, Mbira Frekoba Ire Do Do Ye, Wasalu
mossman swam down and touched it, he swears up and down it's the ski. We hooked to it several times but could not budge it. It might be sucked to the bottom like a ski does on the beach. It's still down there.
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