Need help finding sunkin' ski (Not Anymore!!!)

I have been waiting to read this thread but couldn't wait any longer. I am wondering I keep hearing about where it went down. How accurate it the original location? If you lost the ski while on the move then the original location is expanded because of the movement and then you left someone in the water while you went for a GPS. They could have floated several hundred feet by the time you got back with wind conditions and the time it took to return. If they didn't have a good visual reference on the bank or being a good distance from the bank the original spot could be way off.

I have floated in the water for a while 15 or so minutes to mark a location when I droped a new barefoot prop off of my boat trying to change props in rough water I know that was stupid. But anyhow they ran after a big magnet and we drug the bottom for hours and never did find the thing. And it was only 30 minutes later and on a solid clay bottom. I had floated a good distance by the time they returned. I didn't think I had but according to where they thought I jumped out I was way off.

So it might just be me but I think that 1/2 a mile isn't a broad enough search area.

Either way good luck and I would pull everythign I found up so I could recoop my money for the finder. Well after I found my ski.

the WaTeRhAwK

fryin' up a/m electrics..
i know ill be okay - beer or no beer.

youll be okay too, since ignorance is bliss.:rolleyes:

you would have to be the expert on that, and you definitely have a point with that one, I tend to feel much better when I iggy you, and I'm quite sure a lot of other peeps feel the same way.

Stupid F****'
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Man....over an hour reading every single post and find out that it wasn't your ski. I can only imagine the disappointment and dejection felt. Don't give up. Go over that lake like a fine tooth comb. I'm just a nobody on this site and in this "sport" but when I read thru the posts and someone said they found it....damn.....the hair on my arms stood straight up and I got that creeping flesh feeling on the back of my neck!:bigeyes: I sure hope you find that ski and WHEN you do...I'll UPS you a case of your favorite swill so you can enjoy it while bringing her back to life !!
Don't give up SKYWALKER, keep on looking for the ski and when you do write a book about it. i bet it will be better than the cliff notes, but we will know the ending.



brraap....thats so 2002
are your sure you lost it? i mean, you didnt get real drunk and leave it at your buddys house did you? :)


maumee river rat
Perrysburg Ohio
poor a cert diver in ohio and Id rummage around a lake for the hell of it too bad i leave for florida otmorrow...have all my own gear too....good luck Xjet will be revival!


User Title Unavailable
what pinhead coulda found it. Its on the bottom somewhere... waiting.

Suction wont be hard to break, just a couple good wiggles.


User Title Unavailable
what I was saying was what pinhead would just wake up and think

"Hmm, Ill get me some scuba equipment and go search for a ski"

The only other possible way would be that a fishermen snagged it, and even then, it would end up as the one that got away.

Nobody's gonna get it except luke, Ill bet 100 dollars he has the only sidescanner fishfinder there, and better yet, if he doesnt, whos gonna see a triangle on the screen and go and blow 50 bucks on a scuba rental and go down there in pitch black whipped cream to find an aluminum bass boat.

Again luke, its waiting for ya.


What! What!
Cheney Reservoir has a surface area of approximately 9550 acres. A square mile is 640 acres. Therefore, the surface area of the lake is about 14.9 square miles. Happy hunting!


steals hub caps from cars
Site Supporter
at peace
I got Family Guy stuck in my head.

"it's a tiny tiny's a tiny tiny world"

(Big burly Indian guy comes running after them...Peter turns around, points other direction)

"Quick! There's a woman learning!"

(Indian guy slows down, looks in that direction, starts growling)

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