Other New pos krash ski

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WFO Speedracer

A lifetime ban is like a lifetime warranty !
Keep talking idiot.
I must resist posting what I would really like so much to post here , with age comes wisdom , at least for me it did.

As for what Buzzard said , I have no idea , he hit the iggy list a long , long time ago , yep that wisdom thing all over again.
Sorry, no dice, should've got into it 40 years ago when they were accepting new members. You missed your chance and now this forum serves to goad over those who are trying to learn.
Yes I'm aware this is true here and many places on the wide world of webs. Some communities are more inclusive than others. Unfortunately I have yet to find anyone else in my area that rides standups. So I've had to figure everything out on my own and with the dreadful internet as my only resource.

The snowmobile/snow bike, off-road, mountain bike, and backcountry ski communities are way more inclusive where I am and that makes learning and enjoying those sports much easier. Not sure why jetskis have to be such an exclusive club for old timers.

WFO Speedracer

A lifetime ban is like a lifetime warranty !
Yes I'm aware this is true here and many places on the wide world of webs. Some communities are more inclusive than others. Unfortunately I have yet to find anyone else in my area that rides standups. So I've had to figure everything out on my own and with the dreadful internet as my only resource.

The snowmobile/snow bike, off-road, mountain bike, and backcountry ski communities are way more inclusive where I am and that makes learning and enjoying those sports much easier. Not sure why jetskis have to be such an exclusive club for old timers.
I would say this place is way more inclusive than most , the problem is on the particular subject you asked about very few here have the knowledge to pass along to you , of the ones that do have that knowledge most of them rarely post here , if you ask for knowledge about a small block Chevrolet engine on Chevrolet forum many people have knowledge of them and will gladly help you , however if you ask about a 1957 Corvette 283 fuel injected engine most likely you will hear crickets chirping in the background.

Big Kahuna

Tuscaloosa, AL
I would say this place is way more inclusive than most , the problem is on the particular subject you asked about very few here have the knowledge to pass along to you , of the ones that do have that knowledge most of them rarely post here , if you ask for knowledge about a small block Chevrolet engine on Chevrolet forum many people have knowledge of them and will gladly help you , however if you ask about a 1957 Corvette 283 fuel injected engine most likely you will hear crickets chirping in the background.
is there such a thing as a 57 FI Vette?
inquiring minds what to know.

WFO Speedracer

A lifetime ban is like a lifetime warranty !
is there such a thing as a 57 FI Vette?
inquiring minds what to know.
Yes there is, Zora Arkus Duntov , known widely as the father of the Corvette designed a mechanical fuel injection system for the 283 engine which was the biggest V8 made at the time , it produced 250HP out of the box , a milestone at the time.

The later model 302 engine 9 not found in Corvette models ) was a small journal 327 with special pistons and a 283 crankshaft , the 302 was a legend in drag racing circles for years.
I would say this place is way more inclusive than most , the problem is on the particular subject you asked about very few here have the knowledge to pass along to you , of the ones that do have that knowledge most of them rarely post here , if you ask for knowledge about a small block Chevrolet engine on Chevrolet forum many people have knowledge of them and will gladly help you , however if you ask about a 1957 Corvette 283 fuel injected engine most likely you will hear crickets chirping in the background.
Speedracer you're probably right. From what I've seen on here you seem both knowledgeable and helpful. When you get certain people that constantly trash talk / tell everyone how knowledgeable they are and how dumb everyone else is its hard to see much use for places like this sometimes.
Yes I'm aware this is true here and many places on the wide world of webs. Some communities are more inclusive than others. Unfortunately I have yet to find anyone else in my area that rides standups. So I've had to figure everything out on my own and with the dreadful internet as my only resource.

The snowmobile/snow bike, off-road, mountain bike, and backcountry ski communities are way more inclusive where I am and that makes learning and enjoying those sports much easier. Not sure why jetskis have to be such an exclusive club for old timers.
PWC couch riders have a relatively easy time meeting up. The standup side is just too difficult for most to stay with for very long. They are difficult for old/fat guys to ride and difficult for young/inexperienced guys to maintain.. All I have to bring to the table is 34 years of riding and tuning experience. A local rider whos older than me said this group he now rides with is the fourth generation since he got started in the late 80s.
Same I am the only stand up rider I know that didn't sell his ski. It's literally impossible to find a local group, though I'm still trying! I recently got in touch with a local x2 guy we might do some tug chasing this spring/summer! Excited about that. x2's look pretty sick.

WFO Speedracer

A lifetime ban is like a lifetime warranty !
PWC couch riders have a relatively easy time meeting up. The standup side is just too difficult for most to stay with for very long. They are difficult for old/fat guys to ride and difficult for young/inexperienced guys to maintain.. All I have to bring to the table is 34 years of riding and tuning experience. A local rider whos older than me said this group he now rides with is the fourth generation since he got started in the late 80s.
Same here , I am the only one with standups here , there is a new group at Lake Martin , I know some of them but haven't had a chance to ride with them yet, I hope to this year , I am on about my third or fourth generation of riding groups here as well , everyone else got out , I never did , maybe I am just old and stubborn but I will ride till I can't ride anymore , that's for sure .
PWC couch riders have a relatively easy time meeting up. The standup side is just too difficult for most to stay with for very long. They are difficult for old/fat guys to ride and difficult for young/inexperienced guys to maintain.. All I have to bring to the table is 34 years of riding and tuning experience. A local rider whos older than me said this group he now rides with is the fourth generation since he got started in the late 80s.
I'm in a small mountain town so mostly fisherman at the ramp closest to me. My snowmobile/snow bike/ski season is about twice as long as my jetski season most years. I'm in the old/fat category but that doesn't stop me haha! Definitely some couch riders around here but I get a lot of looks/questions when I'm loading/unloading standups. I have a handful of them now so my kids ride them and I get some friends out on them here and there
Upgraded parts don't fix major design flaws and the designer not ever caring that it's junk which it is. The power valves don't even open or open evenly and that's just one issue. The cylinder sleeves hanging down into the cases are another major crap issue restricting intake flow. You guys never been in there and if you were, you didn't even have the knowledge to know what you were looking at

I have not been inside of a kv1200 but I have had a 997 apart and held the cylinder in my hands to get a good look and also I'm familiar with how a cylinder reed intake works in general.

So for a 997 what you said about cylinder sleeves would make no sense because the intake goes through the sleeves into the cylinder and into the transfer ports through boysen ports, not under. The length that the sleeves extend down into the case would have nothing to do with restricting the intake.

Maybe the 1200 is different and does something wierd.

Or maybe you don't know what you're talking about.

Hard to tell.

Big Kahuna

Tuscaloosa, AL
I have not been inside of a kv1200 but I have had a 997 apart and held the cylinder in my hands to get a good look and also I'm familiar with how a cylinder reed intake works in general.

So for a 997 what you said about cylinder sleeves would make no sense because the intake goes through the sleeves into the cylinder and into the transfer ports through boysen ports, not under. The length that the sleeves extend down into the case would have nothing to do with restricting the intake.

Maybe the 1200 is different and does something wierd.

Or maybe you don't know what you're talking about.

Hard to tell.
Could the sleeves be blocking the entrance to the transfer ports restricting flow? I had not looked hard at the KV engines, I assumed they were case induction.
Could the sleeves be blocking the entrance to the transfer ports restricting flow? I had not looked hard at the KV engines, I assumed they were case induction.

Could be.

Would mean he described it kind of oddly.

Also could be that there is some restriction in the intake and he just described it kind of oddly.

It's just, if a guy is on the internet ranting and raving about how he knows everything and everybody else knows nothing that doesn't do much for the credibility, so it shouldn't be much mystery why people aren't taking it seriously.

WFO Speedracer

A lifetime ban is like a lifetime warranty !
This is at much info as I have seen on a KV997 , the only thing I have seen on a 1200 is from my favorite machinist - hull builder - 24/7 annihilator Mark Erikson so yeah.



Buy a Superjet
It's a shame everyone jumped on the let's hate on krash bandwagon and never tried to work together and come up with some solutions and upgrade parts to make them run better.. I for one would love an efi based ski because I'm getting tired of turning screws on carburetors..
Efi is not always better. Also there is/was a guy on the for sale thread selling a kit to convert to efi.

WFO Speedracer

A lifetime ban is like a lifetime warranty !
This is totally unrelated but at the same time it is related , I work on lots of different stuff, ATV's , UTV's , motorcycles and PWC'S.

Any of this off brand stuff it always difficult to get parts for and the parts are always expensive with very few places where you can actually get the parts from.

In the vid he states those pistons for the KV997 are $300 each which is why he sourced everything he could from somewhere else besides KRASH , I am still trying to figure out what that engine actually is but I have had no luck so far , nothing seems to match up.

The quality of the parts on off brand stuff is usually well below the quality of the big mfg's or aftermarkets mfgs parts , that's just how it is.

Right now I am working on a Coleman 550 UTV with a Hisun engine, the engine is basically a copy of a Yamaha Rhino engine just smaller in CC's.

This has 125 hrs on the machine and the timing chain is worn to the point that the cam timing slipped and it stopped running , the cam chain is $50.00 and is out of stock , it is also 124 links , in comparison the Yamaha timing chain is $40.00 and readily available but it's 126 links, they changed it just enough that the Yamaha parts won't work in the Hisun engine. most likely to skirt the patent laws . not that the Chinese even care about patents .

I have seen Yamaha 660's with hundreds of hours on them , beat to hell and back and the stock timing chain was still kicking along just fine.

Bottom line is you get what you pay for .
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Big Kahuna

Tuscaloosa, AL
Could be.

Would mean he described it kind of oddly.

Also could be that there is some restriction in the intake and he just described it kind of oddly.

It's just, if a guy is on the internet ranting and raving about how he knows everything and everybody else knows nothing that doesn't do much for the credibility, so it shouldn't be much mystery why people aren't taking it seriously.
In all the years I have known the Buzzard, I have learned a few things. What you see is what you get. He calls it like he see's it. If he has something for sale, he has a price, you may think it is overpriced....... But he has it and you dont, nor does anyone else alot of times. He doesnt care if it does not sell. Because he will sell it to someone else. That in a nutshell is Mark. You know where you stand. Oh, and yeah, Usually is correct on any advice he gives, He has been around a long time. Is he abrasive? Yeah. Does he give a rats tail what anyone else thinks? Not really. Can he be very helpful. Yeah, if you are not an Ahole to him, he will treat you the same and help you out.......
just my 2 nickels. 2 cents dont get you crap anymore with this inflation.
In all the years I have known the Buzzard, I have learned a few things. What you see is what you get. He calls it like he see's it. If he has something for sale, he has a price, you may think it is overpriced....... But he has it and you dont, nor does anyone else alot of times. He doesnt care if it does not sell. Because he will sell it to someone else. That in a nutshell is Mark. You know where you stand. Oh, and yeah, Usually is correct on any advice he gives, He has been around a long time. Is he abrasive? Yeah. Does he give a rats tail what anyone else thinks? Not really. Can he be very helpful. Yeah, if you are not an Ahole to him, he will treat you the same and help you out.......
just my 2 nickels. 2 cents dont get you crap anymore with this inflation.

I mean sure, this reminds me of the advice given when I was young to 'find the old guy on the site and put up with him, he knows a lot' but also is on his 3rd divorce for a reason, lmao.

You can be right and be an asshole about it, I know plenty of doctors and lawyers who are.

Anyways as someone who has learned a lot from old cranky guys, this resonated. Perhaps the old buzzard IS right, lol.
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