NW FX1 Build w/TOM 21 144 pump tunnel swap.

I feel like I finally accomplished something this weekend!

5200 is a mess to work with! But my lines are installed, as well as my intake grate hull inserts!

Some of you guys make spreading the 5200 look easy!

I got the fast cure 5200. So I’ll probably start foaming this week after work. Going to use pink board foam. Any tips or tricks are appreciated!


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Well. I have a ton of experience with foam. I got a batch of TotalBoat two part foam from Amazon.

It didn’t work like it was supposed, I followed instructions to the T. But it was a bad batch. Temp is supposed to get up to 130 and this stuff was getting as high as 210 ish, so it was essentially cooking itself.

I ended up returning it to Amazon, but it still didn’t get me my time back.

I used it as a good excuse to by a new grinder and remove all of it.

Im also really good at removing foam now.5D70D73D-7916-4EBF-B915-0940FDF4BC09.jpeg1EF0ED9C-F78F-43C0-AF80-7294C0E8E3CF.jpeg1EF0ED9C-F78F-43C0-AF80-7294C0E8E3CF.jpeg70FA161E-A80F-4EA5-A260-895D439126B4.jpegEEB1E3C6-45A1-4862-BCD2-C032F1E53CCA.jpeg92A489DB-3682-462C-A002-B8EDD3EB6344.jpegE0D9542B-FD6B-420D-8A98-5FE96832A21F.jpeg
These are the absolute best tools in my opinion for AC018428-907E-45F1-9E7A-8D6D8D5D2AEC.jpegremoving foam.


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I ended up getting some Sharkthane pour foam from blowsion. I probably would have gone with US composites, but blowsion is close , and there was an immediate need for it.

Poured and worked like it was supposed to.

Pretty happy with the finished product, and shaping for me was probably the most peaceful part of this learning process/build.

After pouring the floor and sides, I used my new grinder for general shaping and getting rid of excess material.

I then started shaping my tray. I have a roll of one side stick 80 grit sand paper. I took a five foot level and ran it on the straight edge.
I then used what was left of the front tray, and rear tail as a guide. Working from one side to the other using the 5ft level with sandpaper.

Once I had my platform and sloops started, I ditched the 5ft level and when with a straight edged smaller sand block working my way out to the side.

I shape one side rail first to decide what my final design would be then transferred it to the other side.4058DC46-DB41-4A5D-8563-D42A15663DD6.jpegAF1C4142-43E8-49C6-A104-C020366C85B0.jpeg5F8D7AFC-B3F8-486A-980D-1F6F522A07DD.jpeg61C67F11-DDFC-4259-8CE6-F59148C1CE97.jpeg
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I wanted to give my tray some extra support, and had to seal in my pump mounts.

I dug out the foam around the pump mounts, and prepped surface.

I ran all four pump bolts in.

I then found some old hose and bored out the id of the hose so I could slide a piece of hose over the bolts packed with grease.

I then mixed epoxy with chopped strand and pour over the the top.


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So I’m glassing in my tray and rails. I used two layers of 6oz to start the rails, let them get tacky, then lay 17oz over the top.

For my tray I’m using 1708 with backer mat. Probably will do 3 or 4 layers.

Decided I’m going to do a front foot hood and need to establish the design I’ll run. Input is appreciated. Should I make it removable ? Permanent? Want to make sure I have easy access for ebox removal. The cold fusion bracket I don’t think will be an option, because from my understanding it’s too tight in the engine compartment making it a pain in the ass to remove the ebox if you’re using one. Options?

Going to run foot straps so I can keep my wide tray. Here’s what I’m thinking so far, but I’m going to stand in my tray once finished before installing my studs for ideal foot placement.
Thoughts? Input?

I guess another question I have, is do I need to run faring compound over this stuff? After I’m done laying glass?

And do I have to paint for waterproofing?

Was thinking I would just turf over the top of direct glass? I’d like to paint my ski. But it will have to wait because I have run out of time.

This is my only ski and I need to ride!
Have most of my tray finished, and will be adding on my layer of 17oz on the rails and tying it into the floor.

Here is my starting, and pretty much complete weight, I think I did pretty good. There was a guy that was going to do this work for me initially. I decided to do it myself because of cost, and learning new skill.

I used the same sling and scale to weigh my buddy’s Fx1 ski that had everything done to his ski that I’ve done to mine. His used the stock tunnel for his swap, and he kept the original exhaust. Same guy did it that was going to do the work for me.

His hanging weight was 115.

Here’s my starting, and ending weights9A6F0E49-94E0-40C1-9273-34A16DB38CCD.jpegB75720D7-9457-4DA4-92A0-7D51D0998F4C.jpeg
@aSuperJet here you go.

So I finished the tray and installed my turf.

If I did the tray over I would have kept it wide but made slots all the way around the tray to lock my feat into.

I feel like I didn’t do bad for my first time turfing. But that was mainly thanks to the guidance I got from @Sanoman


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I temporarily modded my hood so I could run it with the sj tank. I removed part of one of the breather tubes and shoved a 2.5 inch craftsman shop vac hose in there. It fit so snug that it was difficult to remove. I removed it then drilled a bunch of holes in the original tube that I cut off.
I think coated the end of my shop vac tube with 5200 and jammed it back in there. Then coated the outside with 5200 as well to help further bond into place.

I’ve ran this mod for about 30 tanks now and it has held up with mo issues.

When I get some free time, and receive my carbon fiber hood liner from @tom21 I’ll do a permanent fix.

But it will probably not be until winter because I don’t have a lot of time and want to ride.


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After reinstalling my pump permanently. I installed the new mid shaft I bought from @JetManiac

My spline engagement was absolutely perfect.

You can also see that my coupler depth was perfect as well.


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Ok these images may be extremely offensive and graphic for some of the viewers out there.

I tried several ride plates and really liked my Quadrfins.

Because of my pump being set two inches back physically. The ride plate mounts would not line up and the plate was too long. So I butchered it. Only to give it a better life on it’s newly improved partner in crime.

Really happy with how the mod turned out.


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I needed to move my battery so It would fit in with the superjet tank. No big deal. I just made an offset plate like the others did. Using the oem batter box as my template. I tapped and threaded the battery box anchor points on the offset.

I was lucky enough to get some marine grade stainless from a local shop here. Super nice guy. He wouldn’t even let me pay.


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One thing I wish I would have done and will do is cut off the rear bond rail. Not only for handling purposes but so I can run my kawi trim nozzle with 65v reduction. With it being setback the nozzle will hit and bottom out at the bond rail.
Will probably be doing this over summer. @Flash-FX was nice enough to help me with a build list for my manual trim. I can post the list and instructions here later when I have built it and have time to post.


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The @tom21 bolt on sponsons were super easy to install3 bolts plus and additional small bolt towards the front to mount , and used 5200 to seal.

I really like the way these things handle.


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So this is my total complete weight with 5 gallons of gas.

I suppose dry way would be about 312


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