Other Ok. What should I do?? my wife.......

yes or no?

  • yes

    Votes: 17 44.7%
  • no

    Votes: 21 55.3%

  • Total voters
i would get my wife what she wants if it makes her happy, but i would be scared regarding accident (dont want to be negative you might think of getting a life insurance too ) and keep her on the water if possible....


C@R H@ul3R
I say no with kids that age, maybe in another 5-7 years when they are more independent, but not now, not with all the bad drivers and texting while driving, I almost got in 2 accidents this morning during a 40 mile round trip. Its insane these days, being in the auto buisness and buying salvage vehicles on a daily basis I see some nasty stuff and its scary to know whats happening out there on the roads. Dont take this the wrong way, but it seems like a very selfish thing to want to do while having young ones at home.
I'm not taking anything positive or negatively. Just asking opinions cause everyone has one. Sometimes when your too close to a situation it is better to get outside answers. No hard feeling from me one way or another.........now my wife on the other hand may not have the same feelings. lol


Beach Bum
Florida - U.S.A.
I'd get her a bike with a sidecar so the kids can ride too.

Maybe your wife is trying to tell you she's looking for a little excitement and doesn't actually want a motorcycle at all?
NEED a motorcycle? Who actually needs one? Who needs any kind of fun toy?

Also, by your rationale, she shouldn't drive a car....or ride a jet ski...or swim in the ocean...or cross a busy street...or downhill ski. Those all have killed people. She should just stay in the house...wouldn't want her to be selfish and have any fun. :261: Where do I find the approved "mother of 3 kids" fun list of things to do. Does it include cooking, knitting sweaters and taking pictures of everyone else? Everyone knows that once you have kids, you have zero interest in the things you did before you had kids. :thinking:
The problem? The roads we travel on are not the same anymore....

Anybody with an open perspective would realize that and not encourage a loved one to test their life to the hands of today's motorists. Especially ones that have life commitments.

Granted you would need to account for the region your riding in but here in the congested northeast I'd think long and hard. Suicide Season opened here a month early and in no time it seems to be heading for a record pace.

If your one that needs the freedom of open range, wind thru your hair thrills I'd recommend other avenues. YMMV.

I had a bike for 4 years. I miss the hell out of it. If my bank account would agree i'd have another in a heart beat. being a rider its your job to be aware of the motorists and to avoid them. I know because i've been there and i'd do it again.

i respect your views though, however she's an experienced rider watching to scratch an old itch. I say if she's for it, and it's within financial means. DO IT.
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