FX-1 Purple Madness


NE Tenn
Been experimenting with the glue pot.Takes some time to figure out how much glue you want to come out of the nozzle.Too little glue doesn’t work and too much spatters out in snot balls.More about controlling how much air blows out of the gun than how much glue.Awful lot like painting a car.Testing with spraying cardboard helped me out.You can see from the tray and turf that there doesn’t look like much glue on either.And there may not be enough.Time and use will tell.That is part of the experiment,to see how much l need to use to make it work.lt is Dap headliner glue used in upholstery shops.Stronger than what’s in the dap red can.What l found out using the spray is there is less waste.Two light coats and it drys in less than 5 (per coat) minutes.That’s how uph shops do a car headliner.

WFO Speedracer

A lifetime ban is like a lifetime warranty !
Been experimenting with the glue pot.Takes some time to figure out how much glue you want to come out of the nozzle.Too little glue doesn’t work and too much spatters out in snot balls.More about controlling how much air blows out of the gun than how much glue.Awful lot like painting a car.Testing with spraying cardboard helped me out.You can see from the tray and turf that there doesn’t look like much glue on either.And there may not be enough.Time and use will tell.That is part of the experiment,to see how much l need to use to make it work.lt is Dap headliner glue used in upholstery shops.Stronger than what’s in the dap red can.What l found out using the spray is there is less waste.Two light coats and it drys in less than 5 (per coat) minutes.That’s how uph shops do a car headliner.
Yep we used a pressure pot and spray grade adhesive at the cabinet shop I worked at, everything we did there was laminted onto particleboard , if it was a cabimet door it was laminated on all sides, the spray grade adhesive did dry much quicker and it was stout, better make sure the pice is where you want it before you stick it for sure. I just got done laminating all that metal to the plywood on my trailer build, I used a foam roller and a paint tray, I have to say it went on very nicely and quick, so there's another option for you.
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WFO Speedracer

A lifetime ban is like a lifetime warranty !
Builds never actually get finshed they just go into a different stage , kinda like when you level up on a vidio game !
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