I need to pull the fuel tank and H20 box out as one of the bolts from an insert on the waterbox strap must have pulled. I ended up with the hook and rubber pad bouncing around the engine bilge after about 1.5hrs or riding.
I'm going to pull the throttle cable and measure it but I'm pretty darn sure it' a SN cable. The new RN cable I bought was about 8" short of even reaching the throttle wheel.
The Rad Dudes hose does not fit the exhaust tube you have in this hull. I tried heat, it wasn't going. Maybe this tube has a thicker wall than later tubes you did? either way I hope the newer Vision's do work with a stock sized hose. I had to heat the piss out of a section I had laying around to get it on about 3/4" and then sleeved it to join to a cut down Rad Dudes hose all of which is touching the back side of the carb fuel pump.