BK: TO GO REALLY, REALLY CHEAP GO WITH WYZECAM for $19.99 per camera !!! Plus you need to buy a 32-64 GB class 10 SD card. So far, Wyzecam is viewable on phone only.
I have one Wyzecam. It is ok. But not comparable to Nestcam. But I am rooting for Wyze, because they will continue to drive down the price of Nestcam and Nest Aware.
Nestcam is a great high acuity camera and a great user interface because it can be viewed not only on your phone but on a pc (which can be hooked up to your tv or other monitor):
Previously, I was grumpy with Nestcam because the cloud-based monthly subscription was way too high, but competition has driven the price down to $5 per month per camera:
Not that I should, but I have been using indoor Nestcams outside under eaves and on a window sill in snow country and so far so good. So, I will continue down the Nestcam road.
We also got sucked further into the Nest family because the Nest Thermostat is simply awesome for cold environments where your heat is provided by propane. Turn it off when you leave. Whoops did I leave the furnace on? No need to turn the truck around to go back to check. Check the Nest Thermostat on your cell phone. Turn the heat on before you get there from your laptop or cell phone.
I also plan to buy the Nest video doorbell:
Google is likely funded in part by the Federal Gov't (do you really believe that a private company has the budget to video every street in the World?), so I understand that the NSA has all my cloud-based Nest videos. Only future privacy legislation will change that.
For extra credit, turn the electric blanket on before you arrive: