SJ wiegh ins


Do it twice?That's DooDoo
nice thread... I will try to go weigh mine when Im all done... I wonder if I could setup my bathroom scale to weigh it.... only places by me charge like 5 or 10 bucks to use their scales... bathroom scale should be ok within +/- 3 pounds or so...

I might be able to ask a favor of the guys I usually go to to get my trailers weighed to get my license plate... prob will depend on if they are in a good mood...
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615 Freeriders are addicted to T1 madness.
nice thread... I will try to go weigh mine when Im all done... I wonder if I could setup my bathroom scale to weigh it.... only places by me charge like 5 or 10 bucks to you their scales... bathroom scale should be ok within +/- 3 pounds or so...

I might be able to ask a favor of the guys I usually go to to get my trailers weighed to get my license plate... prob will depend on if they are in a good mood...

We used a bathroom scale to wiegh the REV hulls and it was tough, cant imagine struggling with an entire ski on a little tiny scale. I am lucky enough to have accurate 6' square scales at work.


615 Freeriders are addicted to T1 madness.
yeah... i will have to go see if I can convince the people to let me use their drive on scale...

if you have a tote or a stand you could wiegh that on a bathroom scale at home to save time at the scale, then just slide the ski on the stand or tote at on the scale there and subtrack the wieght of the stand. It is crazy to see the difference it the wieght of all the ski's. Keefer's ski wieghed in lighter then any of our sj's @ 296# and its reinforced with tubbies and original foam and has simular mods to the rest of our ski's it really makes no sence but these scales ar calibrated monthly and are accurate within 2#.


New York Crew
Western New York
my 2001 ski weighs in at 305 lbs, no fuel... reinforced.

my 1996 project ski, no motor, no footholds, no foam, no exhaust tube, no hood or nose piece, nothing, just a stripped down bare hull (heavily reinforced), not even paint, down to gelgoat... weighed in at 98 lbs.

I used a hanging scale that is used to weigh meat, and will weigh up to 500 lbs.
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615 Freeriders are addicted to T1 madness.
my 2001 ski weighs in at 305 lbs, no fuel... reinforced.

my 1996 project ski, no motor, no footholds, no foam, no exhaust tube, no hood or nose piece, nothing, just a stripped down bare hull (heavily reinforced), not even paint, down to gelgoat... weighed in at 98 lbs.

I used a hanging scale that is used to weigh meat, and will weigh up to 500 lbs.

Funny thing is that the REV weighed 95# with no hood but with foam and exhaust and foot holds (no reinforcement) so this should put you arround 20# over the 292# of the REV, but the REV has a heavy mag pump and a heavy Odesy battery (due to total loss).

Hard to believe that the bolt ons weigh 200 pounds huh?


615 Freeriders are addicted to T1 madness.
i dont know what mine ways but that thing is HEAVY little waterlogged and its only an 06 but my new wf hull is gonna be light :)

Prepreg or wet lay up? Fiberglass or CF? Just curious to see what it comes in at. Obviously the REV hull from WDK was not even close to what it should have been, 15# off on what should have been a 95# hull & hood combo DAMN NEAR 20% OFF.
There will be two or thee scales on hand at Daytona.... Robert is bringing two, and I think I heard that Pat Bogart is bringing a scale... I think there are more then a few people tired of hearing weight claims. :biggrin: Daytona will be put up or shut up..... I will have the lightest fixed steer boat, and or oem hull boat there.:tapedshut:


So long and thanks for all the fish
Prepreg or wet lay up? Fiberglass or CF? Just curious to see what it comes in at. Obviously the REV hull from WDK was not even close to what it should have been, 15# off on what should have been a 95# hull & hood combo DAMN NEAR 20% OFF.

riverrat's x-jet was 'weigh' off from what Jeff guessed too.


Not Dead - Notable Member
Hell, Florida
word..if you guys spent half as much time riding as you do worrying about how much your stupid skis weigh you would be alot better off...weight

you're going to get bronson (fl-cracker) all riled up with talk like that.

keep up the good work. :biggrin:
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