Sorry Guys .....3 more little Questions?

Washington DC
Isnt fiberglass what I need, and walmart does sell it?? I only asked because I have stuff to return without a recipt and they will give in store credit!

the only type of resin walmart sells is polyester resin. which is worthless in such an application.......before you ask it
Regarding the bed plate coming loose.

My FX-1 did the same thing about 5 years ago but mine came completly off. You can try to patch it but it will likley come completly off eventually.

You can put a heat gun to it and soften the rest and pry it up and then reglue it back down. I used West Systems epoxy resin with bonding filler to make it pasty and it has held this last 5 years.
Regarding the bed plate coming loose.

My FX-1 did the same thing about 5 years ago but mine came completly off. You can try to patch it but it will likley come completly off eventually.

You can put a heat gun to it and soften the rest and pry it up and then reglue it back down. I used West Systems epoxy resin with bonding filler to make it pasty and it has held this last 5 years.

thats great info. its too bad that dorkdiggler is just going to go to walmart, anyway, and buy some elmers' glue, and duct tape, and argue that he works with a guy that knows a street vendor whos uncle's lawn guy's neighbor's girlfirend's brother-in-law swears by it.:jester:


Vendor Account
Do any stores sell "West Systems epoxy resin" or equivalent? Or is this the type of product that can only be bought online??


steals hub caps from cars
Site Supporter
at peace
West System is just marketing hype.

My buddy, who is a sales rep for resin, tells me that tests with motorcycle clutches have proven that the Walmart Bondo resin gums them clutches up just as good as West Systems.


Workin too much

WFO Speedracer

A lifetime ban is like a lifetime warranty !
Ok geniuses I am actually going to do something to help this guy out.Yes I realize it goes against my nature and that I started the sentence with a preposition so mark this moment and sue me ok.West system has a new product out,marketing hype and all that fits the bill here,its called g/flex,it comes in two tubes for a total of 9 oz.It is a thickened epoxy adhesive and Jamestown distributors has it on their website and in their catalog,it lists for $25.40 plus shipping.Heat the deal up pull it out slather on the mixed epoxy and glue it back down.It may take more than one kit to do this .That I cannot tell you,you will have to do one side and find out for yourself.I will even be nice and include the link.

Big Kahuna

Tuscaloosa, AL
or freakin' google West Systems...geez -he says he's 25 & he has limited knowledge on how to use the internet :dunno:

You know what, everybody has to start somewhere...............

some come in and dont know squat and ask questions and learn, and others come in and act like they know alot when they dont..............


some come in and dont know squat and ask questions and learn, and others come in and act like they know alot when they dont..............

Very true. I've been finding this a lot lately. It is not just the new people acting like they know it all either.
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