Sorry Guys .....3 more little Questions?


steals hub caps from cars
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at peace
It was mostly a joke.

I'll keep my opinion on West System Resin to myself.
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hey, I'm jetski semi retarded. I've only been dinking with these thinks a handful of years. Bikes.. well thats another story.

Same here. It is my third year owning skis. I was working on bike/quad motors before that. I was not referring to you wolf, just so you know:beerchug:

I just find that my common sense gut instinct, is a lot better than people's thought out, drawn out responses and reasonings most of the time. I'm not bragging, just stating it how I see it. This things are ski's not rockets:burnout:

Wolf Child

Just Another Octard
All over C. FL
Same here. It is my third year owning skis. I was working on bike/quad motors before that. I was not referring to you wolf, just so you know:beerchug:

I just find that my common sense gut instinct, is a lot better than people's thought out, drawn out responses and reasonings most of the time. I'm not bragging, just stating it how I see it. This things are ski's not rockets:burnout:

I didnt think you were talking about me, I just wanted to put that out there.


Live Free and Ride Hard
Beaumont, Tx
yeah these ski's are pretty simple...and hell if you run into a problem usually its an easy fix :D

most of the time....i take that back...a lot of the time an easy fix is just as good as a manufactured part...depending on how well you rigged it, its sometimes better, hell over the weekend i just made some sponsons for my 650 from plexiglass i bought at lowes and now my ski can carve like an i just need to make it faster :D

but anyways its all about your skill level and how comfortable you are working on things like this...if your not mechanically enclined then just take it to a shop, otherwise TRIAL and ERROR!!

OH and a word to the wise...if your going to think cheap...try it on your own time and dont ask here because all your going to get is a smart ass answer. :)

Just my $0.02 anyways
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Анархия - мать порядка!
This is my last question for a while, I promise!! I will not push back on any recommendations either!


V watch your daughters V
Waterford, MI
It was mostly a joke.

I'll keep my opinion on West System Resin to myself.

C'mon, don't hold back now. They wouldn't whine and cry then stop off saying " We're taking our epoxing and going home"

Besides, everytime you post a fairing gets his wings.


I forgot!
yeah keep posting, we all love talking about skis and nothing exciting happening here lately. Thanks for the entertainment. I think your fitting in just fine for a newbie, lol. most guys will warm up to ya in a bit, just don't push their buttons, use the search and read alot. No question is too stupid.....well maybe. Once the warm weather hits and we can all ride again we can take our frustrations out on our skis and not eachother.


Vendor Account
azreark1 Quote - "OH and a word to the wise...if your going to think cheap...try it on your own time and dont ask here because all your going to get is a smart ass answer"

I Have Noticed!


Vendor Account
Some people on here must think there is one. I didnt know what the MU even was till I got word that someone was recommending me being on it!


Vendor Account
And I appreciated it!!! That link is not considered a spit in the face by any means!! I think I have been taking all the spit too the face!!

My buddy gave me the fiberglass stuff in that pic today and just wanted to know if that will work?

Promised I would not start a thread on here for a while!! I still wanted to know if the fiberglass in the pic will work?? I wanted to get it done tomorrow!

I dont have time to order anything off online!!
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Vendor Account
I need to fix this Motor mount plate tomorrow! I need to get the motor back into the ski because I am taking so much Sh*t from my girl about taking up our one garage spot!!
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