Sorry Guys .....3 more little Questions?

Wolf Child

Just Another Octard
All over C. FL
I need to fix this Motor mount plate tomorrow! I need to get the motor back into the ski because I am taking so much Sh*t from my girl about taking up our one garage spot!!

if you need to have it back in tomorrow, then put it back how it is , dont half ass it with some elmers, or jb weld or anything. i had the same thing happen to my fx-1 and rode it for a few months in the surf and it actually held up even while learning barrel rolls. if you ever plan on doing rolls or flips you are gonna have to re-inforce the ski anyways. since you have the motor out you should grind down all that green glue and lay some fiberglass over it and re-inforce the sides and hoos lip. fx-1's or more prone to cracking on thier sides and hood lip than superjets. just do it right and go down to tap plastics and buy all the stuff you need or save a couple bux and order it online at or some other supplier. just dont half ass it, and dont use the stuff at walmart either.


Анархия - мать порядка!
I need to fix this Motor mount plate tomorrow! I need to get the motor back into the ski because I am taking so much Sh*t from my girl about taking up our one garage spot!!
Aren't smart Indian girls thought to wash their master's feet and stuff? :sneaky:

Wolf Child

Just Another Octard
All over C. FL
if you need to have it back in tomorrow, then put it back how it is , dont half ass it with some elmers, or jb weld or anything. i had the same thing happen to my fx-1 and rode it for a few months in the surf and it actually held up even while learning barrel rolls. if you ever plan on doing rolls or flips you are gonna have to re-inforce the ski anyways. since you have the motor out you should grind down all that green glue and lay some fiberglass over it and re-inforce the sides and hoos lip. fx-1's or more prone to cracking on thier sides and hood lip than superjets. just do it right and go down to tap plastics and buy all the stuff you need or save a couple bux and order it online at or some other supplier. just dont half ass it, and dont use the stuff at walmart either.

if your girl has a problem with you using the garage tell her to beat it. Garages are man territory.


Vendor Account
I dont need engine in tomorrow but I need to at least get the motor mount plate fixed and drying! Motor needs to be put back in by thursday at the latest!

She does obey my every command about 95% of the time! The other 5% she is just Nasty! Indian woman can be very mean and are abnormally strong, like She-HULK! :-(

Wolf Child

Just Another Octard
All over C. FL
I dont need engine in tomorrow but I need to at least get the motor mount plate fixed and drying! Motor needs to be put back in by thursday at the latest!

She does obey my every command about 95% of the time! The other 5% she is just Nasty! Indian woman can be very mean and are abnormally strong, like She-HULK! :-(

Of course it doesnt help that I'm P%@#* whipped and am a major girly man

DUDE! what part of "DONT HALF ASS IT" didin't you understand? I't your ski, do it however you want, you're going to anyway.

But if you really want our help then heed these words:

Do it right or dont bother f-ing with it.

Big Kahuna

Tuscaloosa, AL
I dont need engine in tomorrow but I need to at least get the motor mount plate fixed and drying! Motor needs to be put back in by thursday at the latest!

She does obey my every command about 95% of the time! The other 5% she is just Nasty! Indian woman can be very mean and are abnormally strong, like She-HULK! :-(

if you will not take the time to go and order the proper materials, then get some of the 5 minute epoxy, read the labels that reference Fibreglass and use that to get you by.


Vendor Account
I dont want to half ass it!! I want to know what proper materials I can get locally?? Autobody shop, boat shop......?

Mouthfulloflake - you want me to post pics of her???

Wolf Child

Just Another Octard
All over C. FL
I dont want to half ass it!! I want to know what proper materials I can get locally?? Autobody shop, boat shop......?

Mouthfulloflake - you want me to post pics of her???
you need some fiber glass cloth, and epoxy resin. maybe your local ace or farm and fleet sell it, maybe not. if you cant get it local order from US composites. it'll take a couple days to get to you and prices are reasonable. West systems epoxy may be availible at localmarine outlet but it's pricey and you NEED the pumps too for correct mixing. way more expensive than going to US composites.

There are a bazillion threads about doing glass and reinforcment on this site. read and learn. some of it will be over your head. if you dont understand something ask. people WILL help you.
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Vendor Account
Honey Hole!

Here ya go Mouthfulloflake


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ISJWTA member #2
NW Arkansas
she is gorgeous.

post some more.

[ you other folks can thank or scold me later... im not afraid.. at least this thread is worth reading now.]
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Vendor Account
Thats my biggest fear!! Cold sweats at night!! Indian woman dont age well!!
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