Keep in mind, The Alabama marine police stated......... You are free to ride as you will within the marked area (freestyle related) & we are self governed. If you ride outside the marked area, you MUST follow the rules of the state of Alabama.
At The Allatoona site, there are no boarders or area to stay within, So you must follow the rules of the State of Georgia, Just as if you are riding during normal outings. However, Know that your actions will be looked upon as the group as a whole.......... know self control!!!!!
For everyones sake!!!
Rember, You will be at either site on your OWN FREE WILL. Nobody is responsible for YOU, but YOU!! The real basic rule here is
HAVE RESPECT & SHOW RESPECT to all involved!!! That includes the DNR!!! Thank You!!
Sorry to take this off topic, but I was getting the impression, from several posts that this ride was a "free for all"........... It's not!
I just want you to fully understand how it's going to be run!