Squarenose Project Back ON!!



Project continues......... Sergio sent me some post that are cut down 5mm. Looks good but now the roundnose pole stop that is on the bracket limits the movement of the pole. Ditched that set up and am making some pole stops out of polyurathane bushing. That being said I have to so some more clearencing of the nose to clear the pole. No big woop. Now that I am doing a different pole stop configuration I can drop the pole even more........like 10mm more :bigeyes: So it will be nice and flush with the hood and a total of 15mm shorter than it was when you guys saw it at Lanier :biggthumpup:


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I rode the beast and wow!!!!! Hunter You now have the strongest ski on the river! Nice Job:hail: Once Eric is finished with you I bet you will have the best BR as well:Banane01:


I rode the beast and wow!!!!! Hunter You now have the strongest ski on the river! Nice Job:hail: Once Eric is finished with you I bet you will have the best BR as well:Banane01:

:puke: I have so many little things left to do to this boat it is not even funny. I hope to get my rolls down soon.......I am right there on the thresh hold.


Made some pole stops out of stainless carrage bolts and some polyurathane shock bushings. Perfect!!! Also added some lock washers to my pole bolts b/c they kep coming loose on me. Seems to work well. Adding a little teflon tape to the threads helps as well.


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nice job :biggthumpup: I used the stock roundnose pole bumper to stop mine. I like the shock bumpers better though. Great, another trip to the store. :banghead: haha That ski looks killer. I will have to pick you're brain this winter when I break into my motor.


nice job :biggthumpup: I used the stock roundnose pole bumper to stop mine. I like the shock bumpers better though. Great, another trip to the store. :banghead: haha That ski looks killer. I will have to pick you're brain this winter when I break into my motor.

The winter project bug is biting early :biggrin:


Cool idea on the stops. BUT. You might want to consider a limiting rope. You have a huge amoung of leverage there. COuld just rip the bracket out of the hull.

Limiting rope is cheap insurance.


That pole will snap in half before the bracket gives way. It has a thick backing plate and the nose is fully reinforced w/ 3 layers of thick high build cloth.


??? OK, How bout a limiting rope to save your pole then.

I am kind of trying this set up out for Sergio so if it snaps then we will find a way to make it better. I will ride hard and test to failure if need be.Once it is all dialed in and if Sergio releases it for the squarenose guys it will be a kick arse set up. :headbang: Xmetal poles are sweet as well but I just liked the looks of the XFT. Thus far I wish it had a metal pivot point on the pole to decrease the thickness and increase strength at the bases where it will contact the pole stops. I have had some nasty spills so far this year and have yet to fold it.
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Limerick, PA
Hunters boat rocks :headbang:

He let me have the privige of loading it on his trailer last weekend.....

And in that trip form the beach to the trailer was amazing :biggrin:

no seriously I could tell it had so much power with my little braps in the no wake zone.....:bigeyes: :Banane01:

If only you had more gas man....:biggthumpup: I could have drained it for you

thanks for the help.... oh yeah ill work on that hand stand thing haha its hard:frown:



Yeah, sorry I ran out of gas. I tried to have a little left over after my one on one with Malone but it was sputtering by the time I got back to shore.

That hand stand is fun to learn and is harder than it sounds. Works your arms out though.
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Bringing it back
New Hampshire
I haven't kept up with this build but did see you weren't worried about breaking the pole. This might be a bummer though. Even if you reinforced as much as I did under the bracket I ran a rope anyway. I always try to be safe than sorry



I have seen that pic and it is scarry to see:bigeyes: However, the reinforcement that I did ties the entire nose of the ski together. It spreads to the sides of the ski and goes up into the nose about where the stock fuel filler was located.


Project is still rolling along. Had to order a couple silicone hoses to install a x-metal water box. My buddy used it for a couple of weeks and seemed to like it. Although he was running dual exhaust and it was a bit obnoxious at times but got allot of great reactions from shore........."Man that thing has some power!!" :biggthumpup:

I am going to run this set up with front exhaust only :bigeyes: I don't think it will be that loud bit we will have to wait and find out. I weight my factory pipe water box and the x-metal. Just by switching it looks like I will save about 5 lbs off the nose of the boat.

The reason I think they are so loud if b/c of lack of back pressure when running a 2.0 front and 2.5 out back. I plugged the rear exhaust of my buddies ski and just out the front it did not sound that bad. I achually want some back pressure to refrain from the ski sputtering/popping all the time. Lopped off the t-fitting and am going to install a silicone elbow, then add an aluminum 2.5-2.0in reducer so it will meet up with blowsion exhuat outlet. The real limiting factor is the size of the outlet on the b-pipe (2.0in) and not the exhaust after the chamber. My factory pipe box has 2.0 in and out so the x-metal 2.5 in/out is quite a bit larger.

I took the turf off and am experimenting with the box a little..............there goes any warrenty :haha: Not telling you guys what I am doing yet. I will rewrap it in solid turf I have left over from my ski. The black hose is just there for reference but when I get the part for the box it will raise the elbow up above the water line of the ski.......which is important :biggrin:


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Waiting on some hoses but decided to show off what I did thus far. Strategically placed dents to aid in scrambling the sound waves entering and traveing through the water box. Corvette guys did this back in the day when running staright side pipes, muffled the sound, incresed back pressure and prevented to pipes from "popping" when you let up on the gas. Placed reducers after the 90 silicone hose to increased back pressure. Rewrapped box in solid black turf. Dents also removed 70% of the tin sound when tapping on the water box.

Sorry Pat, I am just experimenting here and think the product was cool to begin with but wanted to make some changes for my application.


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South Jersey
Waiting on some hoses but decided to show off what I did thus far. Strategically placed dents to aid in scrambling the sound waves entering and traveing through the water box. Corvett guys used to do this back in the day when running staright side pipes, muffled the sound, incresed back pressure and prevented to pipes from "popping" when you let up on the gas. Placed reducers after the 90 silicone hose to increase back pressure. Rewrapped box in solid black turf. Dents also removed 70% of the tin sound when tapping on the water box.

Sorry Pat, I am just experimenting here and think the product was cool to begin with but wanted to make some changes for my application.

Interesting. I'm curious what the outcome is. Let us know.

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