Well, Brian had some family obligations so I told him I would see what I could get done in a day since I have family obligations today. Couldn't have gotten nearly as far without Superunatural's (Dave) help, also our friend Moose who stopped by and lent a hand for a bit.
I had to chase every thread on this ski for some reason, mine was not this way, I don't know if it was goo'd up from paint or what, but that was a bit of my day. I also had to cut all the motor mount bolts and also had to clean every bolt, partially because I'm becoming annoyingly meticulous and partly because Brian doesn't understand to use only a little anti seize.
We had to do some grinding on the pump, but it wasn't too bad. Once the pump was in the Rhaas mounts were actually a little high, so we moved the motor mounts outward to compensate and ended up not needing a single shim under the engine. We also cut and D-cut a SN plate to throw on until Brian decides on something. Dave and I will be building some glass plates in the near future, just haven't gotten to it yet.
I started at about 10am, and Dave joined in at 3pm, we stopped at about 1:30am. Here's what we have so far.