superjet cdi modification

my fear is im going to over rev the engine.
thats why i feel as if i should just up the limit not completely remove it.
i will have a tach though to monitor RPM's Etc


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You're not going to over-rev your engine under load (pump in the water).
Just let off the gas when you jump and unload the pump.
Im am sorry guys to bring this thread back up but I dont know if some pics are not showing or something but I dont understand wich spots need to connected to bypass the limiter to have no rev limit. I see the pics of where to connect resistors and pot for adjustable limit I dont see what spots need to be connected to remove limit completly please someone show us
Im am sorry guys to bring this thread back up but I dont know if some pics are not showing or something but I dont understand wich spots need to connected to bypass the limiter to have no rev limit. I see the pics of where to connect resistors and pot for adjustable limit I dont see what spots need to be connected to remove limit completly please someone show us

Same contacts, but instead of a resistor or pot you just jumper a wire in direct for no revlimiter.
I personally think an ATP EPIC enhancer is best. Here is a pic of an oem cdi I modded for show and tell, you'll notice the jumper


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Bringing this up again. But does anyone have pictures or a diagram on where to install a resistor? I want to put in a 70 ohm or so. I do not want to go unlimited.
the pictures that showed where to sodder the 2 conncetions together to disable the rev limiter do not work. we soddered a wire inbetween the two conncetions(instead of the adjustable because we wanted just to disable the rev limiter) as shown in this pic and now the ski will not start but only fire for a brief second. any idea?cdimod02.jpg


Did some work with this and tried the variable pot with the 50k 1/4 watt resistor and 50k trim pot. But its a pain to keep opening for a adjustment, so with a tach a 87K resistor was 6960rpm, 80K resistor limits to 7200 rpm, a 75.4 K ohm limits at 7440 rpm. Your not going to find the exact size resistor at your local radio shack but what they do have is a assortment pack and you can combine two resistors in series to get your total resistance. Measure with a ohm meter as the color code can be off. A 100K ohm resistor at 5% tolerance can be plus or minus 5K ohms. TIP: when your digging the silicone out under the board be careful for two reasons, 1, the factory mixed in silica with the RTV (potting compound) these are white small rock like chunks and requires finesse to remove. 2, when your removing the 100K resistor on the left side connection there is also a capacitor leg right next to where your digging out the 100K. If you cut that don't freak it just needs to be soldered back to the new resistor and the board. You can also install a three position switch where one side is 100K (stock) and the other side 75K (Mod) (just in case you let a rookie drive your ski). With this mod and a full ported (cylinders and cases), Factory B pipe, ADA head (200 psi), Solas jet with 85mm exit nozzle, and dual 38's. It does not hit the limit in the water. It is set at 7440 rpm. It will hit it out of the water, jumping or such.
just wanted share my opinion on the cdi mod for anyone wondering, does it work, yes, is better than a msd, no. I have been running my stock cdi with rev limiter cut out and advanced my timing the old fashion way and just recently upgraded to the msd enhancer, here is what i found, the msd was for sure an improvement over my other setup, didnt notice a huge change but its just another piece of the puzzle that now i feel is needed. with the different ignition mapping over stock the msd gave it much better mid and all around more power but really nothing to brag about. what i like best with msd over the stock modded box is knowing that when my friends ride it, it will come back with out a blown motor, i set the rev limiter on the msd at about 8300 and with my set up i am hiting it easy when im out of the water. just some food for thought
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I made ​​out the limiter also. On my eBox now is a switch. With this I can always break the connection, and everything is as it was.
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I did the mod to my 650 cdi by putting a parallel resistor in accross the stock one of 91K ohm. I put together an excel file based on info here to figure out what resistor I would use to get rpm I was after. I would post it here but I cannot post this file type.

cdi resistor calc.JPG
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