Super Jet Swapmeet's "Really?" RN build


Arlington TX
Little tiny update..... I have a title. Now I can make it legal.

I don't want to say too much yet cause things change all the time. But I might be cutting into Big Girl sooner than I expected.

I have a feeling Mr Brah is going to be revealed when that happens.
I sense you anticipate some sort of Mt. St. Helens type disaster that is going to push you passed once you "cut into Big Girl". Should end with loads of entertainment for the rest of us, as you tend to turn frustration into hilarious for the rest of us.


Arlington TX
Pretty much... I think i'll be about 75% through defoaming, pissed off, making jokes in my head and i'll be like "F it..." Then i'll spill the beans on who dumped the worst hull on the planet in my lap. Or i'll just make a nice discrete post in the feedback section, wait for one of ya'll to find it. I honestly hadn't planned on outing this guy, but thats when I thought he was innocent. He's made no offer to reconcile for any of the issues, and i've seen him reading this thread. When I talked to him last it was clear he knew some of the problems. Pissing me off talking about it.... moving on.

A previous owner of this ski told me that he believes The Ski Clinic performed some of the composite work on this. I called them up, described the things that looked remotely legit.
My goal was to establish what might be 'desireable' reinforcement vs. the results of poor decisions and worse advice.

The guy said "Yeeeeah, we wouldn't have done any of that, just cut into it.... (bro)"

I'll be honest, riding this hull sucks right now. It feels OK-ish for like... 10 min. Then it starts heading down hill faster than Kenny can call out the Ski Clinic.
I've been draining the hull when I get home, getting more than 4 cups of water total from both sides in about 24 hours. Thats with the factory (soaked) foam in it.
I'm having a helluva time throwing nose stabs... which is the only decent trick I know... But hey! Good news is it will Sub like a summabish... :doh:


Wake Whore
Calgary, AB
You have no idea how badly I now wish I had read this thread prior to sinking my ski. As I kicked and swam in the middle of the lake watching my ski slowly sink and inhaling a couple gallons of water thanks to my crappy life jacket I would have been thinking to myself that things could have been worse...

Honestly, I hope something goes your way on this build.


Arlington TX
So i'm sick today... so maybe the humor will please you... That S ^^^ Right there... thats funny LOL.

So, where are we? Well... Let me tell you about Fuzzy's Taco. Yes, the apostrophe "S" is in the right place, you pedophile wannabe Michael Jackson sickos.
Fuzzy's Taco shop is the MFing bomb. It's like taking the best food you've ever put in your mouth, and sprinkling baby angel poop and cocaine on it.

Well, aside from serving adult beverages and taco's... this+is+the+quot+you+don+t+say+quot+face+_d3d47eea8a14bd3a870bef4ef7e56686.jpg They have a "Souvenir" 32oz cup that you can get your drink in.

32oz... thats serious business. Serious Effing business.....

7BKiHsSN2Ydqx47sY7NKEb1IofgAqLmAhX6_KQ4PEfU_300x300.jpg <~~~ You knew this was coming.

Let me tell ya folks, when I get done riding and pull the plug out of the exhaust side of my ski.... the amount of water that comes out... fills that GD cup. Just one side....
The other side fills a Solo cup. Thats not including the water that refuses to leave the effing foam.
I call it "Really Water".... So irritating. :banghead:

But regardless of all these things, i'm having fun. I won't be cutting into sooner than I expected as I foreshadowed earlier.
Last weekend after a long day of riding, I believe the bendix blew da fuq up. Maybe today i'll have time to investigate and share some carnage pics.

My head is mush... I can't think of any good cat jokes. It's weaksauce. I know this.
Hell its downright gratuitous... what if I need to use these later???? I'm doing this for you wanderer!!!!!!!!!



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Bring the brap!!
Dallas, TX
As always...greatness. But I think my favorite part of this post has most definately got to be the "titty kitty"!
Hope ya get feelin' better man!


Arlington TX
WTF happened to this thread?!?!
Sweet Jesus on a broomstick....

So, I've been messing around with some paint. I don't really like it, but it'll get me through for awhile. May repaint during the winter rebuild.


Picked up this bad boy,

I have to give SB Products a big internet fist bump for making some kickace chit.

I have a couple very important (expensive?) boxes coming soon. Kinda keeping it on the DL..... but when they get here, i'll.......



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formerly kawirider142
OMG hands down the best thread. I always look forward to reading it and honestly just took 10 minutes out of my work day with my boss here to read it all the time. You are so funny i can't stop laughing. I have an issue with wet foam, but wow that is nuts!!!! the wet foam seems to help in the surf a bit though makes the ski more stable.....not haha. keep up the good work can't wait to see what was in the boxes!!
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