Super Jet Swapmeet's "Really?" RN build


Yacht Wakes Hunter
Its Duplicolor gloss black engine paint, with the engine clear coat. Two keys to the process... Prep, obviously, and wet sanding and polishing the finish.
I thought about powdering it, but I wasn't certian it would hold up like the paint. Time will tell.. I can always have it blasted and coated.

I had my headpipe and manifold powdered glossy black. 5 months later, they still looks great and shiny with no chipping. The stock head too.


Arlington TX
Intresting... Maybe during the ski tear down i'll have mine blasted and coated. The bottom of my chamber looks like dookie. (no wet sanding done, no fcuks given)


Arlington TX
Okie Dokie.......

Well, i'm tired... from A: dancing, and B: Hucking that motor into my ski last night. My ass hurts.

I've never done this before, but... I stuck the whole sumbish in with the chamber attached. Thats SO much easier. OH EM GEE....
Usually I stick the engine in with the head pipe, and then wrestle the chamber on. That chamber was a mutha to get on, I didn't want to try and do inside the hull. No sir, not me.

Anyhow... on to the pictures, not funny ones, build pics. I know, I know... but this is a build thread. Not a .gif thread LOL... Everyones like "Wuuuuuut????"

Ok, so because of my obvious streak of good luck :no: I don't like to use zipties to hold fuel lines etc. I found these little hoopties at the local Ace Hardware store and I like them a lot. Allows me to lock lines down and still take them out with little effort. I may have to peel the stickum off the back and epoxy them to the hull, but for now... this is what I'm using.


So as I mentioned, the engine is in. I started routing lines and wires etc. The stator that I got from ______ had pretty long wires, so I decided to route them over the E-box. I can't see how this is bad, it keeps them dry (er) than laying in the bilge.


Also, I revised my cooling line to the stinger. This is what Mr. Miyagi does, and who's gonna argue with him?
Basically it allows you to see when the FlowControl is pushing water. I used fuel line in the down stream side of the "T" to act as a restrictor and pushe water out the bypass...



And here's the engine stuck in the hull... This is part of the reason I did glamour shots for my engine. When its in the hull, it looks like its stuck in a bag of blow out hooker holes.... :cat37::naughty:
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formerly kawirider142
Okie Dokie.......

Well, i'm tired... from A: dancing, and B: Hucking that motor into my ski last night. My ass hurts.

I've never done this before, but... I stuck the whole sumbish in with the chamber attached. Thats SO much easier. OH EM GEE....
Usually I stick the engine in with the head pipe, and then wrestle the chamber on. That chamber was a mutha to get on, I didn't want to try and do inside the hull. No sir, not me.

Anyhow... on to the pictures, not funny ones, build pics. I know, I know... but this is a build thread. Not a .gif thread LOL... Everyones like "Wuuuuuut????"

Ok, so because of my obvious streak of good luck :no: I don't like to use zipties to hold fuel lines etc. I found these little hoopties at the local Ace Hardware store and I like them a lot. Allows me to lock lines down and still take them out with little effort. I may have to peel the stickum off the back and epoxy them to the hull, but for now... this is what I'm using.

View attachment 196629

So as I mentioned, the engine is in. I started routing lines and wires etc. The stator that I got from ______ had pretty long wires, so I decided to route them over the E-box. I can't see how this is bad, it keeps them dry (er) than laying in the bilge.

View attachment 196630

Also, I revised my cooling line to the stinger. This is what Mr. Miyagi does, and who's gonna argue with him?
Basically it allows you to see when the FlowControl is pushing water. I used fuel line in the down stream side of the "T" to act as a restrictor and pushe water out the bypass...


View attachment 196634

And here's the engine stuck in the hull... This is part of the reason I did glamour shots for my engine. When its in the hull, it looks like its stuck in a bag of blow out hooker holes.... :cat37::naughty:

on my b pipe i have the water going from the head to the bottom of the head pipe and then it coming straight out of the top to the pisser and then from what i have read and seen, the flow control valve goes after the pisser right before it goes into the stinger on the chamber and into the water box. Isn't the whole purpose to control just how much goes into the water box ?
You always want water flowing out the whizzer...and then less of it over 3500 RPM's when the FCV opens.....this way you can actually see that it is working....
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Arlington TX
I'll work on the links... sorry. I'm blaming the X.

You always want water flowing out the whizzer...and then less of it over 3500 RPM's when the FCV opens.....this way you can actually see that it is working....

From my post.
Basically it allows you to see when the FlowControl is pushing water. I used fuel line in the down stream side of the "T" to act as a restrictor and pushe water out the bypass...

Listen... Mr Mayagi doesn't lie. He's like #Zero..... but local. Who's gonna argue with #Zero????
This is how he runs his ski. I know this cause I called him on it one day (saying "our" way is right) and he kicked my ass with some chop sticks and explained his reasoning. Then I had to paint his fence.

So WHEN the Flow control opens, water comes out the pisser. You then know that the FC is working and when, The ristriction in the output of the T forces water out of the pisser, but still allows water into your exhaust.
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WFO Speedracer

A lifetime ban is like a lifetime warranty !
I don't know much as I work on couches all day but I do know they usually go between the tee and the stinger with a restrictor in the pisser line, it will work either way obviously.



Arlington TX
Sick couch brah...

Well, I thought Mr. Mayagi was gonna chime in, as he hasn't seen the thread yet. Perhaps he'll chime in later.

Its 2:26am, bout to hit the sack, been working on the ski since, 5:00ish.
Long story short, engine is in, it cranks, and fires. Still have some little things to button up, and I have to switch impellers.
Break in will probably happen Sunday.

Can. Not. Wait......


Arlington TX
Broke the engine in today.

Breaking in a engine (per the instructions) is like 4 hours of foreplay.
You're so GD tired by the time its done... You don't have the energy to do what you wanted to do in the first place...

Last time I was this tired/ sore, was the first time I rode my own ski (JS440). Tomorrow's gonna hurt.

I guess I need to line out all the details of the engine... haven't done that yet.

Maybe tomorrow....
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