Custom/Hybrid The BOB Hull & its recent changes


Super Hero, with a cape!
St. Pete, FL
Never this much controversy with freaks...............

just sayin

Because the D-bags on the forum are obviously freak supporters. A few bad people can become a marketing nightmare for a potentially good company. If WFO didn't like Freak, he would be pouring hate and matches onto a non-existing figurative fire on them too. Fortunately for Freak, he didn't invent Freak, everything else in the PWC world, just not freak.

I am not a BOB customer. I'm not looking at buying a BOB. I just believe in fairness and ummm... being an adult I guess, not sure the word I want to use. In any case, have you not noticed that the 'controversy' isn't focused around a particular brand, but rather around particular people? This entire 'controversy' has been focused around WFO's problem that he thinks he invented the BOB because he stuck a sticker on a 300 SX with a modified motor, and magically that gives him the entitled rights to everything BOB builders have innovated.

Notice all of WFO posts disappeared and he doesn't seem to be posting anymore? This is where the D-bags still here claim the mods are backing BOB. What really happened is about a dozen people posted that WFO was driving people away from the forum, they were tired of his crap, and the line has finally been drawn.

WFO disappeared and so did all the BOB 'controversy'. Weird. Maybe it's time people grew up and realized the mods aren't protecting brands or people. They are objective and let people voice their complaints. Say what you want in negative feedback. What they are really doing is regulating the raging D-bags that are post dumping and flaming in every post of every topic they can find. The mods aren't protecting BOB. They are protecting (edit) users from the nonsense.

I am sure if WFO had posted one comment in one thread he'd still be here. But that's not what happened.
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Jamie FN Hickey
Palm Coast FL
I have no comment about WFOspeedracer but as for people posting negative experiences about BOBs or any other hulls... That is very useful information for the manufacturers, the customer having those issues and also future buyers who are looking to buy a hull and would like to do some research before throwing down thousands of dollars on an aftermarket hull. Some people buy hulls that they've never even ridden and they rely on feedback from others to be posted here. I've seen plenty of positive posts about BOBs and the Ski Clinic as well as negative. Lil D even publically posted that a lot of these issues he was unaware of until reading here and that its helpful for him to see the issues people run into so he can improve upon them. The negative feedback section is for unresolved problems and should be used as a last resort and I strongly disagree that people should post any negative thing about any company in that section because a lot of these issues get resolved quickly and don't need to go that far. Plenty of people have mentioned that a Superfreak isn't the most simple hull to build and have had some issues with the fit/finish. The difference is I have yet to hear of anyone who after riding their Superfreak was unhappy and still wasn't glad they chose that hull. But without saying Superfreak is great and BOB isn't, I have mentioned before that it's an unfair comparison due to the difference in price.
Its my great grandfathers invention, as you can clearly see by this authentic document i found in our attic ..
he then traded it for a barrel of butter one drunk night to a hospital " the clinic "

.....end of the discussion


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So long and thanks for all the fish
The negative feedback section is for unresolved problems and should be used as a last resort and I strongly disagree that people should post any negative thing about any company in that section because a lot of these issues get resolved quickly and don't need to go that far.

What's cool though is how things do get resolved or not in neg. feedback and you see how the parties involved handle themselves. Sometimes it's resolved in a great manner and that's a good thing, other times you have someone who just wants to bitch about something and when hearing the other side, you can figure out it wasn't a problem really. With us keeping those threads trimmed to the parties involved or directly related posts, visitors can get the story clearly and quickly without having to filter through 8 pages of posts like on pwctoday where people unrelated to the deal are dogpiling one side or the other.


Super Hero, with a cape!
St. Pete, FL
I have no comment about WFOspeedracer but as for people posting negative experiences about BOBs or any other hulls... That is very useful information for the manufacturers, the customer having those issues and also future buyers who are looking to buy a hull and would like to do some research before throwing down thousands of dollars on an aftermarket hull. Some people buy hulls that they've never even ridden and they rely on feedback from others to be posted here. I've seen plenty of positive posts about BOBs and the Ski Clinic as well as negative. Lil D even publically posted that a lot of these issues he was unaware of until reading here and that its helpful for him to see the issues people run into so he can improve upon them. The negative feedback section is for unresolved problems and should be used as a last resort and I strongly disagree that people should post any negative thing about any company in that section because a lot of these issues get resolved quickly and don't need to go that far. Plenty of people have mentioned that a Superfreak isn't the most simple hull to build and have had some issues with the fit/finish. The difference is I have yet to hear of anyone who after riding their Superfreak was unhappy and still wasn't glad they chose that hull. But without saying Superfreak is great and BOB isn't, I have mentioned before that it's an unfair comparison due to the difference in price.

I agree. Note my point was about WFO and other post dumpers that spew :):):):) every moment they can. Lots of people have posted constructive criticism about the BOB and the BOB builders responded and I didn't say a thing about them. That is within the constraints of a typical discussion. WFO and people like them need to post once in negative feedback, not spew hate constantly all over the forum. I hope you see that I realize the difference and that I agree with you.


Jamie FN Hickey
Palm Coast FL
I agree. Note my point was about WFO and other post dumpers that spew :):):):) every moment they can. Lots of people have posted constructive criticism about the BOB and the BOB builders responded and I didn't say a thing about them. That is within the constraints of a typical discussion. WFO and people like them need to post once in negative feedback, not spew hate constantly all over the forum. I hope you see that I realize the difference and that I agree with you.

Very well said and I agree with that statement. And as SuperJETT said there are definitely times when the negative feedback is better utilized for reasons of only seeing 2 sides of the story so people can make a better judgement on that given situation rather than a friend of a friend trolling for any opportunity to flame on a company because their friends friend had a bad experience and only heard his side of the story
Haha yes I did. I was referring to the smooth contours of the body lines and the fact that it looks pretty uniform. A bilge doesn't need to look mint in my opinion. I just expect it to be strong, lightweight, and everything be lined up properly. What good is a pretty looking bilge if the inserts aren't lined up or there wasn't extra composite material layed in areas of extra stress to prevent cracks? I'm not referring to any specific hull but I want the outside to look mint and if I'm asking for a lightweight hull I don't mind seeing visual imperfection and multiple pieces/layers of glass/carbon in the bilge but I do expect structural perfection from any hull.
Without even mentioning the word "price" (since that is generally known upfront with any manufacturer) you have 3 options with a hull:
•Visual perfection
You can only emphasize on 2 of these:
•Lightweight/strong will not have as much visual perfection because you will see multiple strips of glass/carbon which takes away from visual perfection but adds to lightweight/strong
•strong/visual perfection won't be as light since you are replacing the reinforcing strips with full sheets of glass/carbon to keep everything uniform and flowing nicely
•lightweight/visual perfection is a flatwater hull with little or no reinforcing and won't be strong enough to handle the abuse of riding surf

Or build with corematerials and many thin, strong and looks perfekt;-))))
WFO is just a bitter old man, that im afraid wont ever change.
he wants to blame everyone else for his situation instead of doing something about it.
its the typical lazy mans way.

WFO Speedracer

A lifetime ban is like a lifetime warranty !
WFO is just a bitter old man, that im afraid wont ever change.
he wants to blame everyone else for his situation instead of doing something about it.
its the typical lazy mans way.

You know nothing about me, yet you continually pass judgement on me and rag on me, I can only guess this is why your screen name is Rags. If you want the truth about me it is easily attainable, just ask people that know me, Mad Scientist, Gil, Sportfish, Crammit442, Cliff , Grapeaep, No limits , Pablo Escobar, Zflewis and many others I have met at freerides over the years.

They will set you straight, the truth is I will help anyone out in any way I can, work on their ski, give them parts off my ski to get theirs going, give you the shirt off my back if needed, whatever I can help with, and I have done so many times at many freerides I have attended, I will continue to do so. There is nothing about me that is lazy and I am not sure what the situation is that you are referring to, at present my lot is full to capacity ,I have to get units out before I can take any more in, I also have multiple skis built and ready to be sold as well as parts I am building to sell, thats a pretty damn good spot to be in given its deep in the off season.

I tire of the assumptiions and accusations thrown around here by people who know nothing of which they speak, its one of the main reasons I don't come here that much any more, I don't need the BS, if you don't know what you are talking please feel free to STFU at any time, thanks.
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WFO Speedracer

A lifetime ban is like a lifetime warranty !
Because the D-bags on the forum are obviously freak supporters. A few bad people can become a marketing nightmare for a potentially good company. If WFO didn't like Freak, he would be pouring hate and matches onto a non-existing figurative fire on them too. Fortunately for Freak, he didn't invent Freak, everything else in the PWC world, just not freak.

I am not a BOB customer. I'm not looking at buying a BOB. I just believe in fairness and ummm... being an adult I guess, not sure the word I want to use. In any case, have you not noticed that the 'controversy' isn't focused around a particular brand, but rather around particular people? This entire 'controversy' has been focused around WFO's problem that he thinks he invented the BOB because he stuck a sticker on a 300 SX with a modified motor, and magically that gives him the entitled rights to everything BOB builders have innovated.

Notice all of WFO posts disappeared and he doesn't seem to be posting anymore? This is where the D-bags still here claim the mods are backing BOB. What really happened is about a dozen people posted that WFO was driving people away from the forum, they were tired of his crap, and the line has finally been drawn.

WFO disappeared and so did all the BOB 'controversy'. Weird. Maybe it's time people grew up and realized the mods aren't protecting brands or people. They are objective and let people voice their complaints. Say what you want in negative feedback. What they are really doing is regulating the raging D-bags that are post dumping and flaming in every post of every topic they can find. The mods aren't protecting BOB. They are protecting (edit) users from the nonsense.

I am sure if WFO had posted one comment in one thread he'd still be here. But that's not what happened.

Any posts deleted were done so by me, I have not been banned as I have done nothing to be banned for other than stating my opinion and posting facts. I just choose to post here a lot less and put my efforts toward more constructive endeavors, rather than wasting my time here. However when I see utter BS such as this directed at me I will respond.

Now for the irony, even after I choose not to frequent here the BS spewing from members keyboards still continues, actually I think its even worse than before, what does that tell you ? My suggestion is simple, if you really want to get to the bottom of Scooby Doo mystery of what is wrong with this website take a good look in the mirror and you will have found what you seek.
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2011 World Champion
Oakley, CA
Rode Josh's gen 3 at miller yesterday, well done ski clinic. And nice show dk sr, throwing out the huge flips and rolls

We had some fun, thats for sure. Definitely didn't expect that many people to come out on such a cold day, but it was a good time. Wish I could have gotten a chance to ride something, doesn't help when all your gear is somewhere on the east cost..
That little 850 sure does get some height, SR sure knows how to go big on the little engine.
Class act Crew.
Stoked to see you guys
I was hoping you were throw down (better see some flatwater friday vodeo)


2011 World Champion
Oakley, CA
Some Carbon fun... on a budget!

Working on my second infusion hull, this one being for my younger brother. It will be a White Gel over Visual Carbon. I did a visual carbon hood liner on his, but used clear gel this time, as opposed to no gel like I did on my personal hood. Definitely looks much better, can't wait to pop the bottom deck out of the moulds tomorrow.


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I personally love the BOB hulls, i am going to be looking into buying an a/m hull soon.. because the ski clinic is stepping up to the plate and is encouraging people to tell them what they can improve is just another reason added on to the list of why you should buy a BOB. Keep up the good work!


Team PHP
Looks beautiful Lil D! I'll be givin your dad a call early next week to setup all the specs on my new hull and make the last payment so I'm lookin forward to having such immaculate work done on my new hull;-)


2011 World Champion
Oakley, CA
Looks beautiful Lil D! I'll be givin your dad a call early next week to setup all the specs on my new hull and make the last payment so I'm lookin forward to having such immaculate work done on my new hull;-)

I'm getting in some practice on our own hulls before I start on yours and give it the 2013 seal of approval ;)
Your new one will be like no other we've made before!
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