The Dyno story

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Standing Tall
Staff member
Site Supporter
I want to first apologize to all the members on this site for being the cause of negativity on the X recently! I have always tried to be respectful in my posts to other members along with not interfering with the moderation of this site. I understand that there may be perceived conflicts with my owning LPW and also being an admin of this site – I have always tried to keep things separate.

I have always tried to keep my personal life to myself. I have made mistakes in how I have handled myself in some situations concerning my business and my personal life. My bitterness that stemmed from what happened in New Jersey before I left and after I left in regards to my former shop and partner caused me to say things that I am not proud of…… I am trying to make things right.

My not responding to the “Pete’s Rant” thread was a decision that I thought was the right one, but in hindsight – I think that I have disappointed many friends and members by not responding or defending myself during that time. I am sorry if any customer/member/rider didn’t feel comfortable posting their experience (good or bad) in regards to LPW – that was never my intention. Honestly – those (4) days back in September were some of the worst days of my life. I just felt I needed to say these things before dealing with the issue about the Dyno…..


When the Dyno was first mentioned, honestly – I thought it to be crazy to cause such a stink about a tuning tool that I assumed several people had seen at the shop in Jersey. It’s called a water brake Dyno – not the million dollar NASCAR type everyone assumed or maybe sees on the Speed Channel. Just a very simple tool used to tune motors statically, under a load. The given RPM along with the load pressure and delivered pressure, run thru an equations give you a relative HP output. No print outs are created since this type doesn’t have data acquisition capabilities.

I first learned about them from an outboard repair facility in Jersey about 20 years ago. Very conservatively priced new and way cheap used. The one that I had in NJ was exactly as the one pictured. Only grey in color, not the blue as shown. I kept it in the shed next to the compressor – it looks like a small oil tank on a hand truck. It was kept outside because it smelled of hydraulic fluid. As some of you know, when I left New Jersey – I sold everything I could to take care of some bad debts incurred by the shop to suppliers along with trying to accumulate some money for the move to Georgia. I sold this and several other big pieces of machinery.

Before anyone freaks out about the picture – this is a picture of the dyno that a local marina down the road from the shop at Lake Lanier has that I do sub-contract work for all their PWC’s. I am able to use this dyno and they have even said that I could have it for my shop since I seem to have more use for it….. But my wife didn’t want me to bring it to the new shop until I dealt with this issue on the X.

Again, I am sorry that I have let some of you down, especially the trouble this has caused my wife and family.




Shootin' The Crap
Can you explain how this type of dyno works?

The picture leaves alot to the imagination, IMHO.

As does the "relative HP" equation.

Paul---I'm not trying to beat you up here---but you have waited so long to respond, that it has damaged your reputation further.

If you're looking for honesty and integrity, it can still be found in a few of your friends. :sad6:


makin' legs
Can you explain how this type of dyno works?

The picture leaves alot to the imagination, IMHO.

As does the "relative HP" equation.

Paul---I'm not trying to beat you up here---but you have waited so long to respond, that it has damaged your reputation further.

If you're looking for honesty and integrity, it can still be found in a few of your friends. :sad6:

No doubt. The claims of exact #'s on so many boats is a more than a bit suspicious. Especially when the claimed #'s are VASTLY larger than any other respected builder........ Here's some from soul man...

"Yup, it's a Jr. Magoo's-built Lamey stroker. +6mm with the longer rods, I forget the bore size
but I think it's 85mm. Well over 800cc's (I think about 820
). Been a while since Paul and I finalized all the specs.

125 HP @ 3500 rpm
138 HP @ 4500rpm
149hp @ 5500rpm
159hp@ 6500rpm
143hp@ 7500rpm

That's with Paul's Full Spectrum carbs, Total loss ig., and race gas on his dyno. My #'s will be a little less with regular Mikuni's, MSD Enhancer. I'm hoping to run pump gas, but will have to take it easy as Paul said it's about 200 psi. I'm going to comp check it once I put it together, I may go with smaller domes to give me some pump gas safety (or I may go nuts and start paying for race gas


Standing Tall
Staff member
Site Supporter
Can you explain how this type of dyno works?

The picture leaves alot to the imagination, IMHO.

As does the "relative HP" equation.

Paul---I'm not trying to beat you up here---but you have waited so long to respond, that it has damaged your reputation further.

If you're looking for honesty and integrity, it can still be found in a few of your friends. :sad6:

Keep in mind this was designed for an outboard motor...... Where the prop is removed & the pump portion attaches to the shaft.
What I have done is to make a frame that the motor bolt to as if it was in a hull. hook up everything as if in a hull, the part that would go on the prop shaft, has a coupler half mounted to it & the alignment is made.
The pressure is set & the motor is cycled thru the power band & the out put pressure is noted at various RPM's. I primararly use it as a tuning tool. Makes it easy to set the carbs, & timing out of the boat where it is easy to do, That way, once you are in the hull, almost 90% of the work is done, all you are now doing is adjusting for air flow restrictions due to the hood, & general running conditions.
This is very useful for when I build complete motors for people who just want a bolt in & go, with little to no tuning.

The HP side of this is where a lot is left to chance. The machine is designed for testing load. The charts that come with it are for known HP outboards & what you have is a pressure differance to look for. When looking for HP, the equasion is reversed & a 1:1 drive differancial is used for the given load. The Guide book for the unit will help explain it better than I can...

No doubt. The claims of exact #'s on so many boats is a more than a bit suspicious. Especially when the claimed #'s are VASTLY larger than any other respected builder........ Here's some from soul man...

I sometimes agree with your statment. Some of these numbers don't make sence, but it's what comes out. I have questioned it myself.

The true bueaty of this is whatching the pressured generated change as you make subtil changes to carbs, Timing, water injection in the chamber, ect.. The HP rating is really only for those who care for bling factor.
This type of dyno is a tuning tool, not a good HP guidance tool.

"Yup, it's a Jr. Magoo's-built Lamey stroker. +6mm with the longer rods, I forget the bore size
but I think it's 85mm. Well over 800cc's (I think about 820
). Been a while since Paul and I finalized all the specs.

125 HP @ 3500 rpm
138 HP @ 4500rpm
149hp @ 5500rpm
159hp@ 6500rpm
143hp@ 7500rpm

That's with Paul's Full Spectrum carbs, Total loss ig., and race gas on his dyno. My #'s will be a little less with regular Mikuni's, MSD Enhancer. I'm hoping to run pump gas, but will have to take it easy as Paul said it's about 200 psi. I'm going to comp check it once I put it together, I may go with smaller domes to give me some pump gas safety (or I may go nuts and start paying for race gas


Louisville, Ky
Glad to see you come out and clear the air. I admit that the lack of defense left allot to the imagination and looked like you were ducking and running from the accuzations. Nice to see you back, responding to this issue and taking the time to address the community as a whole on these issues :beerchug:


Katie's Boss
100% one place

Can you explain how this type of dyno works?

The picture leaves alot to the imagination, IMHO.

As does the "relative HP" equation.

Paul---I'm not trying to beat you up here---but you have waited so long to respond, that it has damaged your reputation further.

If you're looking for honesty and integrity, it can still be found in a few of your friends. :sad6:

You got that right.

Come on.........



ISJWTA member #2
NW Arkansas
You could have posted a picture of a big dollar $$$ nascar type dyno, and most of these people nipping at your heels would STILL be trying to make a joke, or run you down about it.

I for one appreciate you explaining it. I had envisioned the same type of tuning tool that you ended up describing.

I wouldn't loose any sleep of the folks here that seem to be trying their best to cause you some trouble, In the grand scheme of things, most of them, only have personal vendettas, little more.

Mrs. Pancake

Beach Bunny
Toms River, NJ
Pete is yackin for me to post. Because you banned him right before you post something like this.. Kind of funny !

Be Pete said that, He clean the garga next door time and time again.
and helped you all the time in that shop... that was never setup.
Nor when you told people on the phone, when pete was right there...
"just took it off the Dyno" Pete is having me post... because you banned him so you can LIE to the public... You should be assamed.
Get your "friends" to be me down now. Since they really dont know...

Do you remember when you sat pete down and yell at him infront of me over a damn poster
Or did that not happen either.. Your unreal !:censored:


Huntsville, AL
I for one appreciate you explaining it.

I wouldn't loose any sleep of the folks here that seem to be trying their best to cause you some trouble, In the grand scheme of things, most of them, only have personal vendettas, little more.


I think it's ridiculous that you even have to explain it but I am glad that you did.

Some people aren't going to be swayed no matter what you say so I wouldn't worry about it.


JM781 Big Bore
Pete is yackin for me to post. Because you banned him right before you post something like this.. Kind of funny !

Be Pete said that, He clean the garga next door time and time again.
and helped you all the time in that shop... that was never setup.
Nor when you told people on the phone, when pete was right there...
"just took it off the Dyno" Pete is having me post... because you banned him so you can LIE to the public... You should be assamed.
Get your "friends" to be me down now. Since they really dont know...

Do you remember when you sat pete down and yell at him infront of me over a damn poster
Or did that not happen either.. Your unreal !:censored:

Did Pete have a mouthful of Brapios when he was dictating that to you? That there was just plain hard to read. :Eyecrazy:

The Penguin

triple secret probation
Pete is yackin for me to post. Because you banned him right before you post something like this.. Kind of funny !

Be Pete said that, He clean the garga next door time and time again.
and helped you all the time in that shop... that was never setup.
Nor when you told people on the phone, when pete was right there...
"just took it off the Dyno" Pete is having me post... because you banned him so you can LIE to the public... You should be assamed.
Get your "friends" to be me down now. Since they really dont know...

Do you remember when you sat pete down and yell at him infront of me over a damn poster
Or did that not happen either.. Your unreal !:censored:
so - are you sitting at Pete's office typing this? or is it just a coincidence that the IP's match Pete's office?
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Mrs. Pancake

Beach Bunny
Toms River, NJ
Did Pete have a mouthful of Brapios when he was dictating that to you? That there was just plain hard to read. :Eyecrazy:

Sorry ! I dont have time for this Jetski Bull. I work all day, not like half of you ! I am glad pete got banned, we have time together now.

This site is the worse waste. Lies and more lies.
I just post, because pete spent years at that shop and for all the hard work he put in, he paid for whatever Paul did 10 times over.
And "Standing Tall" he makes himself out to be this super power god !
what a Joke.:aargh4:

Mrs. Pancake

Beach Bunny
Toms River, NJ
You guys did it so Paul could Lie some more, and I cant not tell the truth.
Its a Joke !

Ban kelly too. I dont care.. your a joke..
then Paul and kathy and Ronny, can break out the Bullshiot !
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