Marriage is tough and staying together is tougher when it isn't love... because there's no emotional/spiritual/chemical bond, just a physical bond for whatever the situation is calling for (kids, appearances, etc). I remember when u originally posted about the divorce. It otally understand and feel the pain especially when u bare the burden of making things amicable for your children. The relief of being able to move forward with life is a huge lift. Keep ur chin up. There's no way to make someone love you. You can only be you and in return expect the other person to be honest with you. Sounds like she's done that. It's hard to say goodbye when so much is invested in the relationship but it's a 100% 2-way street that won't function without both people getting what they need. One side can't give it all and the other take. If you've spoken ur peace and it stands as it is now then Yall have made the correct decision. Like health care the course of treatment is sometimes as painful or more as the original insult. Sounds like you've both raised children that are on a great course in life. Myself being a child of divorce, I've always thought that it's better to be from divorced parents that are able to love me and respect the other patent than to be in a married household where things are always on edge or stressed to where the love for the kids gets clouded by a completely failed marriage. My parents were way more enjoyable after they split and had time to find life and love where they wanted. You sound like a good father. Hang in there. There's no good life or perfect life, there's just life. Live it the best you can.