Just out of curiosity and to make sure I am not totally screwing this up I set the top back on the ski , it looks like I will be pretty close and most likely not have to force the top in at all, it depends on the springback I get when I remove the spreaders so I will know for sure in a few days, but now I do know for sure that I am on the right track here.
I can glue it all up with the front spreader in there but the rear one has to go, anyway I have to do some mods to the engine cradle-firewall so maybe that can be modified up to hold the hull apart, we will see when it get that far.
For some unknown reason they made the bottom flange longer that the top one, it's greatly exaggerated in that pic but on the front and rear corners you can see it , on a factory hull the rubber rub rail covers it up and you don't see it, on this one I no longer have the factory rub rail so I will be cutting the bottom to flush up with the top most likely before it is all glued back together .
At any rate you can easily push the two halves of the hull together at the flange so it should clamp up nicely .
About the clamping I have been thinking on this one a lot , I think I will take a 2x2 and cut a groove in it the thickness of the bond flanges , then I set the bond flanges inside the groove and clamp it up , this will spread the load out a lot more without using a zillion clamps , I do have a ton of spring clamps but only so many c-clamps and welding clamps , I have a table saw so it's a cakewalk for me to do it this way .
The last two pics show exactly what I am dealing with here , the gap difference does not show up in the pics as well as it does in person but I have a significantly larger gap on the right side than on the left side , some of that will close up when I glass the rail on that side , but you can just slightly pinch the Left side with your fingers and it closes right up.
Not so on the right side ,it takes a lot more force to get it pulled up tight , I can add a lot more glass to the top rails and will probably do a couple of layers there but I think I know how to get the rest of the gap out of the right side without getting carried away there , we will see. I do realize you need some gap there as epoxy works better with a bit of a gap fill .