I spent most of the day test fitting , no glassing today , I ran into an issue with the driveshaft lining up with the housing and engine placement , if the bearing housing lined up the engine hit the hull , the 650SX shaft wouldn't work , so down the driveshaft rabbit hole I went.
I kept thinking I needed a longer driveshaft shaft (don't we all ) , it turns out what I really needed was a driveshaft with the bearing housing seal surface moved closer to the coupler , I just happen to have said driveshaft here .
I installed the shaft and bearing housing and all of that was good , now the motor doesn't line up with the bed plate adaptor , I tried flipping it 180 still no dice , I tried reversing the bedplate and every combination available , still no dice.
I removed the PTO coupler and put a 550 coupler on it , that was the magic number and everything lines up now, bearing housing is centered on the driveshaft seal surface and the engine doesn't hit the hull, I claim victory ! The bonus here is it moved the engine forward , I am not sure how much , maybe an inch , maybe two at most .
The STX coupler is the wrong size , it is 100mm diameter but a STX900 coupler is 85mm with 24mm threads that fit the STX shaft , so that is the final piece to make it all work , the awesome part is the insert ended up almost exactly where it had been planned out to go.
The 650SX tank is still the best fit here , I tried several others , I even fitted a Superjet tank , the Superjet would work but this one has already had drop tube fittings installed and where they are at will not work on this ski , It would if I ditched the stock fuel filler which I may just end up doing.