Trinity Composites SXR Hood

Trinity Composites

Lightweight Evolution
Palm Bay, FL
sounds sweet cant wait to see it now i have to fig a way to afford it!
Well you can get an idea of quality by looking at EME shells and fit if its made right. We made the molds for that boat+05 wf prototype composites. I can't say anything bad about EME other than price.My project is bliss I want to keep it that way.So I need to make people happy with quality and affordable pricing.Hope to put a smile on your face will keep listing product as it comes out.Kevin is put everything through testing before sales.He is extremly smart and trustworthy.later
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Bob, glad to see the hood is out now... can't wait to see the rest of your goods!!!!!!
I have some kind of air Leak :banghead: On the trailer it is revving away, and I have to choke it out...... I replased all gaskets from the intake up..... shiets pissin me off, I guess I need to go through the motor, or put another together...

Maybe all come hang, I finally got my truck back..... its fuced!


I have some kind of air Leak :banghead: On the trailer it is revving away, and I have to choke it out...... I replased all gaskets from the intake up..... shiets pissin me off, I guess I need to go through the motor, or put another together...

Maybe all come hang, I finally got my truck back..... its fuced!

man... either way, we should hang for sure...
Things are looking up thanks to man in charge of this thread. :woot: for Kevin.... looks like I will be heading to the Leg Drag facility Thursday Afternoon, and putting together my Flattop Motor. Hopefully I will be getting wet by Friday afternoon or Saturday!

Im so stoked

Just In time for the O-town race :woot:

Nick I will hit you up for shizzle!


Things are looking up thanks to man in charge of this thread. :woot: for Kevin.... looks like I will be heading to the Leg Drag facility Thursday Afternoon, and putting together my Flattop Motor. Hopefully I will be getting wet by Friday afternoon or Saturday!

Im so stoked

Just In time for the O-town race :woot:

Nick I will hit you up for shizzle!


I can't even put to words how freaking awesome Kevin is....
I am so greatfull to have someone like him so close to us..

Kevin, you are the pimpest, bro.... Thanks for all you do in this sport!!!!!

Big Kahuna

Tuscaloosa, AL
I have some kind of air Leak :banghead: On the trailer it is revving away, and I have to choke it out...... I replased all gaskets from the intake up..... shiets pissin me off, I guess I need to go through the motor, or put another together...

Maybe all come hang, I finally got my truck back..... its fuced!

Are you running duals?

I have found that sometimes with the duals, the sync of the butterflies will get off, having one just a tad more open which will cause you to get was sounds like a runaway, but it not....... just making it run at a faster idle.


steals hub caps from cars
Site Supporter
at peace
Your low screws may need to come out some to take care of a runaway engine. Try a 1/4 - 1/2 turn out more.


Sorry, wrong way to tune a carb. :thumbsdown:

Put the boat in the water, have it idle without touching the throttle. Now adjust the low speed adjuster to obtain highest sustained idle.
If you got a runaway carb, you have a different problem.

Running a richer idle will put a bandaid on it. I guarantee a runaway isn't caused by mal-adjusted lo speed screws.
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St. Clair, MI
Well I never looked at this thread until today, let me just say that I am very interested in your company and how cool you are and how you are very open about products! Very cool indeed. Maybe I can start riding good enough to need to afford this type of stuff! haha
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