Pretty sure Dan's (fusion) superfreak is the "affordable" setup Erik was aiming for. Stock mikuni 46 SBNs, b-pipe, MSD enhancer, 144 Solas. It makes an awesome surf engine. Very predictable power- none of the light switch jerk or anything. Just smooth power; as much as you need and when you need it. When you squeeze the throttle, you get exactly what you want, when you want it.
For reference and what it's worth, there was another ski on the beach, same hull as mine, both of us had 148 mags. He had a 1000 Dasa with 49 Full Specs, b-pipe and enhancer. My Polaris 950, built be Erik with same porting specs as the 964, but I have 2mm more stroke and 2mm less bore, with 48 Novis, b-pipe, and total loss embarrassed that 1000. Dasa had a 9/16 prop and I push a 16/22. When the other guy rode my ski, he came back and said I need a bigger pump! I was looking for more out of the Dasa when I rode it, and it had that light switch power I don't care for. I guess it might work for flat water, but I like the predictability of the smooth, instantly available power of Erik's engines, especially in the surf.
I'm pretty sure Erik's 964 is even more capable with the port design, his innovative power valves, and everything else he's come up with than my dated snow mobile cylinders, too..
Oh, and rode an 850 Dasa; and that was just a sad engine- no comparison at all...