What?Uh need some 411 her yo Raggy
He knows now. Not mine yet but I'm good candidate. Need all the positive vibes o can get or its gonna be a hard winter at my house.
I think so to. I feel like I'm finallygood luck man....people have rough times and it sucks but I know you are a very hard worker with great skills and that will all pay off eventually. Its just hard to be patient. But everything happens for a reason!
I think so to. I feel like I'm finally
Going to get my Chance to use all my skills. Not just one here and there. Waiting sucks. I'm ready for the call!
I can't move. Parents aren't well and I need to be here for them.Is that company up my way still interested? I know moving would suck but there is a good group of guys here in the mitten.