Would you pay $1/month to support the site and have ZERO ads?

Would you pay $1/month or $10/year to have ZERO ads on the site?

  • Yes

    Votes: 169 47.5%
  • No

    Votes: 184 51.7%
  • Yes, but a different amount

    Votes: 3 0.8%

  • Total voters
The top info box where userCP, forum, calendat... ect. needs to have a "donate" link so people can esaily find the donation button. Also as site supporters we need our name in red instead of blue like everybody else.

Just some suggestions to think about while someone directs me to the donation link...(it's really early and I have had no sleep)


So long and thanks for all the fish
is there any other way to make payment? Im having some temporary problems with paypal at the moment.

I'd rather keep it Paypal for now, doing checks/money orders makes more work for me since we don't have a credit union very close to us.


Squarenose FTW
Site Supporter
that is the funniest thing I read this week!!!

Its not that funny if your consider that
if he had linked his ebay auctions through the x
and ACTUALLY sold his stuff, Jett would have gotten a cut
and we wouldnt be asked to pony up the $10

He says he doesnt rip anyone off, but in fact, he does!


Surf Swimmer
Tampa, FL
Yeah, but 1400 active users X $10 is only $14,000. It'd have to be an old beemer. Real old. Maybe a nice Mazda instead??

Not that Darin is asking, but I would gladly be 1st in line for a banner. Just throwing that out there.

having a "ceo" @ 14k a year is a "steal" in this day and age. i'm thorougly convinced darin is scammin the till somewhere along the line. :dunce:
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