X2 + Sx-r = Sx-2r


Danger Zone
Colfax WA
Unfortunatly my helmet cam was pointed to far down so all i got was video of the front of my ski. I will have some in the next couple of months. I plan on being in the water by the end of april. :arms:

Great I'll keep an eye out. Is it warm enough to ride in April in PA?


I NEED to ride
Unfortunatly my helmet cam was pointed to far down so all i got was video of the front of my ski. I will have some in the next couple of months. I plan on being in the water by the end of april. :arms:

April???.......Ill go with ya in march if ya want:biggthumpup:

D Slicker

Durham, dont forget it
Pottstown, PA
So after fighting my water intake problem I decided to fix it once and for all. I cut and ground the inside of the hood out and filled in the holes. I am still running the intake that I had before. I want ot see if it works then I am going to shave the to down like they do in japan. Here are some pic's and sorry if 2 are fuzzy I moved the switch on my camara by accident.


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D Slicker

Durham, dont forget it
Pottstown, PA
I got the hood cut down and glassed in today. I used the top of the hood to fill in the hole. I will be filling in the gap tomorrow once i get more epoxy.


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D Slicker

Durham, dont forget it
Pottstown, PA
So today I filled in the top and am going to sand it down tomorrow. I know i went alittle overboard on the 407 but I knew i would be sanding alot of it down. For the inside I 5200 2 mixing stick to help suport the glass as it was drying. I left 2 inches in the front of the hood and will be cutting 3 holes in the rear to let air in.


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Parts Whore
Fairmont, WV
The only thing I have against your design is that you removed the "stops" where the hood rests on the hood seal. I chopped mine out too but I was going to make longer ones when I fabbed a new hood liner.

Still though, I like the chopped hood look. If i could only make one of those fancy trim pieces to go with chopped hoods....


Danger Zone
Colfax WA
so are you taking the foam out of the hood as well? Wouldn't possibly cause the ski to sink since there's not much room for foam anywhere else in the ski?


Danger Zone
Colfax WA
So you don't worry about the boat sinking? Is there enough foam elsewhere (how much did you put in the nose and where)? I'd like to mod the air intake similar to what you and Crab have done but I'm hesitant to remove the foam from under the hood and have the ski sink. . .


Parts Whore
Fairmont, WV
Really the only foam in X2's is that big hunk under the hood you can see and the foam that is beneath the foot wells. I like Pete's idea of using the 94/95 X2 waterbox and foam in the nose. It is less weight than the rubber pedastools and it adds a little boyuance. Pete put his X2 on a serious diet. I was toying with the idea of an 1100 until I had to remove one from a ZXi I jhust bought. Those tripples are freaking heavy!
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