Yamaha Octane build

Rev footholds installed today.

foothold holes cut out. Foot holds are placed a couple inches forward to help improve my rolls. Reinforcment on the bond line layed in through the footholds holes. Foam poured to have a flat base for the footholds. footholds fitted (grind the lip off the bottom for best results). Glassed in place with extra glass where my feet usually are, still another layer to come in the bottom of the foothold. Holes in top are for final foaming


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it's kind of a poormans eme,

this pic is off the ericmalone website. it's a polaris, you can tell by the same of the hood, rear of the gunnels, hull shape on the lower front. I know he's running an sxr bottom with a custom deck on his latest version but he must have had some polaris ones too.


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The more I look at it, the top deck looks alot like a smoothed over sxr nose and hood and the rear tray area looks octane. The bottom of the eme I posted above looks pure octane though. Its not the same ski as what he rode at the finals, i know that one had an sxr bottom. hood seal area is sxr


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tubbies is/are the answer
The only thing I don't like about this build is the copper tubing, it seems cheap in comparison to the rest... maybe im wrong, it wouldnt be the first time, ive lost count...

I love the rest though

I would have used mcmaster part # 9929T153...
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tubbies is/are the answer
Coppper tubing is bad because?

I knew I would get this question, I should have answered it before it was asked...

Copper is not bad as a material. I would have used aluminum because while serving the same purpose, it would look better with the texallium (being silver) and copper just looks like something you would see in a house... to me, it looks out of place on a full out custom hybrid octajet freestyle boat...
I could put gold plated lines in it and somebody wouldn't like it, but its no big deal. I listen to every piece of advice or opinion on my builds , good or bad, then I decide what im going to use. I've been saved from big mistakes several times by other people. I'm just using parts I think that will work, I may and probably will have several failures.

This ski is purpose built for the majority of my riding, (rough water chop). I don't compete flatwater freestyle, race buoys or ride ocean waves (except maybe 4 days a year. I've had waterdawg hulls and superjets for the past 10 years and want to try a wider platform, I'm getting older and they are much less work, however the oem sxr and octane motor and driveline are not exactly what I like , so I decided to try something new. The superjet is a wonderful platform, however I've found a motor that I like, but it changes the normal superjet characteristics imo.

Most of my parts are stuff i tried before and been satified with the results (I've used copper tubing for trim cable tubes before with no issues, but again I ride freshwater 98% of the time) Most likely I would have used aluminum if i known there was corrosion problem in salt water with the copper, but it's too late now, those things are buried.

I don't claim to know what I"m doing, I've barely even fiberglass'd before this build. I've already got plans for a bigger build yet, but need to learn in steps
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I could put gold plated lines in it and somebody wouldn't like it, but its no big deal. I listen to every piece of advice or opinion on my builds , good or bad, then I decide what im going to use. I've been saved from big mistakes several times by other people. I'm just using parts I think that will work, I may and probably will have several failures.

This ski is purpose built for the majority of my riding, (rough water chop). I don't compete flatwater freestyle, race buoys or ride ocean waves (except maybe 4 days a year. I've had waterdawg hulls and superjets for the past 10 years and want to try a wider platform, I'm getting older and they are much less work, however the oem sxr and octane motor and driveline are not exactly what I like , so I decided to try something new. The superjet is a wonderful platform, however I've found a motor that I like, but it changes the normal superjet characteristics imo.
Most of my parts are stuff i tried before and been satified with the results (I've used copper tubing for trim cable tubes before with no issues, but again I ride freshwater 98% of the time) Most likely I would have used aluminum if i known there was corrosion problem in salt water with the copper, but it's too late now, those things are buried.

I don't claim to know what I"m doing, I've barely even fiberglass'd before this build. I've already got plans for a bigger build yet, but need to learn in steps

great info! Is it the added weight of the motor?

I think I already know the answer.

SO even just your stock cylinder, bigbore, ported, 66e realy had that much more power then a 8 mil stroke Lamey 62T motor? :eek5: Thats awsome if so

Seems to me a Light weight SXR based lower with a 66e motor would be the SHiet!
great info! Is it the added weight of the motor?

I think I already know the answer.

SO even just your stock cylinder, bigbore, ported, 66e realy had that much more power then a 8 mil stroke Lamey 62T motor? :eek5: Thats awsome if so

Seems to me a Light weight SXR based lower with a 66e motor would be the SHiet!

Im realy interested on your thoughts on this.:biggthumpup:
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