Yfz 450

Wolf Child

Just Another Octard
All over C. FL
I had a KX125 and a XR100. I enjoyed both of them but not as much as I enjoy the quads. I wish I could have a YZ250 but since I can only one one bike, I have a quad. Remember, I'm down in the sugar sand, it makes it pretty hard to cruise a trail. I like to get on it but not every second I'm riding. The sale of my old, busted ass KX125 paid for my Stand up.


I'm originally from Central FL and I rode ONF and Crooms all the time. you dont have to fly, just stand and steer with the throttle.


Super Hero, with a cape!
St. Pete, FL
quads are gay. you don't wanna be gay do you?

Like I said, I like bikes, I can ride bikes and I can ride them in the trails. I can only own one machine so I choose a quad. Life might have been different if I had started on a YZ250 instead of an old busted ass KX125. Given what I know, I just enjoy the quad more, so... yes, I want to be a raging ass flaming quad riding homosexual.

did he run out of fuel?

No, he couldn't corner the flat corners. He was faster on the burms and the straights but on the flat corners, I smoked him. There were 2 and I could drift through them considerably faster than he could turn.

Generally, no, I can't out run a bike. Good riders smoke me. The average rider (which I'm an average rider too, fair fight!) I can keep up with for a few laps but then I get too tired to keep up. We all know bikes have more travel, more torque and better handling than my little quad.

Utility quads are the couches of the dirt.
Race quads are the X2s of dirt.
How about that?

Wolf Child

Just Another Octard
All over C. FL
Like I said, I like bikes, I can ride bikes and I can ride them in the trails. I can only own one machine so I choose a quad. Life might have been different if I had started on a YZ250 instead of an old busted ass KX125. Given what I know, I just enjoy the quad more, so... yes, I want to be a raging ass flaming quad riding homosexual.


No, he couldn't corner the flat corners. He was faster on the burms and the straights but on the flat corners, I smoked him. There were 2 and I could drift through them considerably faster than he could turn.

Generally, no, I can't out run a bike. Good riders smoke me. The average rider (which I'm an average rider too, fair fight!) I can keep up with for a few laps but then I get too tired to keep up. We all know bikes have more travel, more torque and better handling than my little quad.

Utility quads are the couches of the dirt.
Race quads are the X2s of dirt.
How about that?

tell yourself what ever you have to so you can sleep at night.:pokey:

personally I'd give up riding before I owned a quad, but thats me. I can drift ( called "backing it in") though corners just fine on a bike. if thats what gets you your jollies, then what ever.

if you like the machine, then get what you like. anything else will just make you feel like you settled.

I'm just sayin....


Parts Whore
Fairmont, WV
I have a 700 v-force and hate it. I wish I would have gotten a 700 Raptor but they weren't out yet. Next quad I get will be a YFZ 450. They are light enough to get off and lift the rear end around. I would get something with electric start. That has been a blessing. Quads are fun just like bikes, I have had both.

It all depends on who you have to ride with! If you were a stand up guy and rode with nothing but sit downs, then it would get boring real fast! Same is true with a 4-wheeler and nothing but dirt bikes.

As soon as my debt is mostly done, I am either getting a new YZ 250 dirt boike, a YZ450F dirt bike, or a YFZ450 quad. Then again I would love another stand up so there goes a wide nose SJ.

I think you should just consider keeping your Warrior since it runs and ride it until you are done with school. Part out the Kawies and see how much you get. Then you can decide on another ski.

Toys don't pay for toys! Toys = debt! Be forwarned. Don't dig a hole othat will take a long time to get out of, I did that. Now I am just starting with a bigger shovel. All through school I was using a garden spade.

Have you researched how much medics make? You need to have all of this in mind. I thought I would be rich when I graduated and got out of school too. But then after paying rent, utilities, groceries, ect, that money is spoken for fast! How old are you and do you live at home? You planning on living at home for awhile? Life is expensive, keep that in mind. Don't get caught up on here wanting everything because everyone else on here has it. Most people on here are in their 30's + and have careers they have been working for years.

Wolf Child

Just Another Octard
All over C. FL
medics make Shiat wages. My late wife was one when she put herself through nursing school.

My great grandad told me a long time ago that you should never play on time. I took his advice to heart and I NEVER finance toys. if I cant pay cash for it I wait till I can. as a result the only debt I have is my 06 truck. EVERYTHING else have is paid for including my home..


Just ride
hey Vumad, 2 stroke race bikes/quads will require regular piston replacement, but if you do it often enough all you have to do is slap a piston and rings and your good to go.

your suppose to rebuild the newer mx fourstrokes as much as twostrokes, theres almost no skirt on the pistons and most redline in the ballpark of 12,000-13,000 rpm's. you should be replacing the timing chain and checking wear on the valves once a year. if no one believes that call up ANY cycle shop or dealership and they will tell you the same.

all the new fourstrokes have an issue of some sort. a lot of racers blow up the yfz450's, they have a cheap timing chain and throw rods. if your gonna go with a quad go with the trx450 its your best bet. I've ridden both and the trx is an all around better bike. the motor is solid, more responsive, and the bike handles better. the newer models have an electric start too.


Super Hero, with a cape!
St. Pete, FL
Have you researched how much medics make? You need to have all of this in mind. I thought I would be rich when I graduated and got out of school too. But then after paying rent, utilities, groceries, ect, that money is spoken for fast! How old are you and do you live at home? You planning on living at home for awhile? Life is expensive, keep that in mind. Don't get caught up on here wanting everything because everyone else on here has it. Most people on here are in their 30's + and have careers they have been working for years.

I'm 22, I do live at home.

We have 3 fire-medics, and 1 fire fighter in the family. Fire-medics start at 35k per year and top out arround 60k w/o over time. They get holiday, vay-cay and sick time. They get medical. They work 24-48 schedules. They retire after 30-years. That's St. Pete, which is the lowest paid in the area.

I realize toys don't truely pay for toys. I mean that the sale of one pays for another. If I can spend $1000 a year on toys, and want to purchase something that's $3000, I have to sell $2000 worth of toys.

I say "I don't have money for that." Really, I save quite a bit. I keep 2 weeks pay in my checking, a months pay in my savings, and I have a money market yeilding 2.3% with the rest of my liquidity. I am going to open some CDs so that stale cash can earn 5.5%.

I could easily go buy a brand new 2008 SJ right now, and mod it out. It's not about what I have, but how much I have budgeted. I have 0 debt, and could easily put a hefty down payment on a house. I'm going to live with my parents for another year until I get on a department (maybe longer, we'll see). It'll double my income and I'll bring enough home per month to make the bills.

I could afford to live on my own right now, but I wouldn't put anything in the bank. not saving or living in debt doesn't work for me. I get along good with my parents and they like having me here. They let me stay rent free because I volunteer my bank statements so they know I'm making an effort to move forward (which my friends rag on me for "failure to launch" but they don't understand savings and investments, they are severly in debt) and tke care of the lawn and etc. What my friends pay in rent, I put into the bank, so although I techniqually have a higher disposible income, I have a similar budgeted income.

Not to be bragging, or be arrogant pretending I know it all. I know I don't know it all, but I have a pretty good understanding of what living on my own will be like, and I defanitly have a solid understanding of finances.


Parts Whore
Fairmont, WV
Just making sure. Glad to hear you have 0 debt and no credit cards. I stayed at home all through college. No big deal as long as you are doing things right. Now if you were outy parting, doing drugs, getting arrested, and bumming money from your parents that would be different.

I just was reading from your other threads and didn't want you to go out and dump a bunch of money on a quad and then again on an SJ just because everyone on here says to get an SJ.

If I had to do it all over again I would hope I would make some different decisions.

The whole don't play on time, I couldn't agree more. I am still paying on my Kawasaki 700 v-force and it sucks. It really blows when it breaks down and I have to pay $$$ for parts to fix it and then still make the monthly payment. Lately it has just been sitting around not getting ridden.

If you have friends that ride quads, get a quad, skis, get a ski, nikes, get a bike, ect...

Edwin, I know you deep down miss the BRAAAP! Fourstrokes thump, not brap, everyone knows that! Here is what I have been wanting for a long time:




More power than a 450 and less weight. Now what do you have to say?



Just ride

one question...you ever ride a 500? Ha i can't imagine one of those in a crf frame. you'd never make it out of 2nd around a track, your hands would be numb from it vibrating the hell out of you, and get tire you out from the power . i'd take my crf450 any day. It would be cool to try it in one of those frames though.


500s arnt that bad. they run forever and are really reliable. the vibrate a bit but new barclamps isolate some of it. those service hondas gotta be the sickest dunes bike ever! f!ck valves!


Super Hero, with a cape!
St. Pete, FL
Just making sure.

Hey, I hear you. I like when people give me advice. I am where I am because I listen to them and see how I can apply it. If noone ever told me anything, I would probably be in a different spot.

I'll admit that it bugs me when people say I'm "stubborn" for not doing it their way, because I'm still young and I have to make a few mistakes. It also bugs me when they tell me the same thing 198037832 times or if they are too busy telling me what I should do to not notice what I am doing.

For the most part, I try to keep my mouth shut and just watch and wait for outcomes. They say the best way to learn is from making mistakes, but I say the best way to learn is *watching* others make mistakes. A story doesn't take much to heart but watching someone do something dumb can leave a life lesson. I've done lots of watching.

Like your example of making payments on the quad. My dad kept telling me to buy a brand new quad because Yamaha had such good interest rates. I'm glad I avoided that. Same thing with buying a new truck. I would REALLY like a new truck right now, but I know what those payments would do to me. I have to pass. =(


Parts Whore
Fairmont, WV
Yep driving a 95 Ford ranger so I won't have the payment. You gotta know too when you finance a vehicle you gotta get full coverage insurance too :(

Yeah my friend had a KX 500. It vibrated some but nothing too bad. I had a 98 YZ 250 and it ran as good as any other MX bike of that time. When I rode a friend's YZ 125 one day it felt like a weedeater! I loved the power that my 250 had. When I rode my friend's 500 then jumped back on my 250, the 250 seemed like a weedeater too :( lol

Yeah 500's are good because you never rev them out like an 80 or 125 so they don't wear out as fast. What was said about 450 maintanence before is totally true. But 500's have their flaws as well. Like going through tires very three rides and the pipes being so expensive. I ride woods, I wear out pipe on hills too often... 450's have lots of thump too. I would just like to have one of each :) Biggest thing to get more power out of a dirt bike is to put a new tire on it! I always noticed a difference it the eayness to ride wheelies when I first put a new rubber on mine.

Check out www.cr500riders.com There are tons of guys on there doing conversions way cheaper than than what service honda is charging. Also there is a guy on ebay selling the kits if you search for service honda. I don't care, I still want one! Or one if a 250R or 450R frame :) Aftermarket frame of course. Better go buy a lotto ticket!!

Wolf Child

Just Another Octard
All over C. FL
I dig my smokers. they are ideally suited to my riding style. the Thumpers are cool too. Had one and miss it some times. thhere are places were one is just better than the other. IMO. The only place a 500 smoker is worth anything is in the desert. but those monsters will vibrate the fillings from your teeth in short order.


Just Havin' Fun!
Orange City, FL
awwwwwww yea..

thats what i'm talkin bout! .... i can't frickin WAIT till tomorrow!!!


No No, Saki, my YZ250 goes BRAAAAAP!:naughty::naughty: You go thumpity thump....:crazy:

Nothing like roosting a huge sand berm totally on the pipe in third..........:woot::woot::woot::woot:


Just Havin' Fun!
Orange City, FL
Well as personnal fact I was riding w/a KTM 520 today and it most certainly went thumpity-thump. Except when it was going kickety-kick and the rider was going cursity-curse.:11::11::11:

Everytime I passed him my bike was going BRAAAAP.:biggrin:


Parts Whore
Fairmont, WV
...i think we need a seperate gAyTV forum.

You just want to be the moderator huh?

I took a long look at my quad this weekend. I think I may just part it out. Seems like I could get more for it that way. Pay off what i still owe after that and then go get a WR or CRFX. Then get a dual sport kit. That way I could ride the roads and the trails. Then again i would liek a new quad or a snowmobile or a new SJ or a....
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