Have you researched how much medics make? You need to have all of this in mind. I thought I would be rich when I graduated and got out of school too. But then after paying rent, utilities, groceries, ect, that money is spoken for fast! How old are you and do you live at home? You planning on living at home for awhile? Life is expensive, keep that in mind. Don't get caught up on here wanting everything because everyone else on here has it. Most people on here are in their 30's + and have careers they have been working for years.
I'm 22, I do live at home.
We have 3 fire-medics, and 1 fire fighter in the family. Fire-medics start at 35k per year and top out arround 60k w/o over time. They get holiday, vay-cay and sick time. They get medical. They work 24-48 schedules. They retire after 30-years. That's St. Pete, which is the lowest paid in the area.
I realize toys don't truely pay for toys. I mean that the sale of one pays for another. If I can spend $1000 a year on toys, and want to purchase something that's $3000, I have to sell $2000 worth of toys.
I say "I don't have money for that." Really, I save quite a bit. I keep 2 weeks pay in my checking, a months pay in my savings, and I have a money market yeilding 2.3% with the rest of my liquidity. I am going to open some CDs so that stale cash can earn 5.5%.
I could easily go buy a brand new 2008 SJ right now, and mod it out. It's not about what I have, but how much I have budgeted. I have 0 debt, and could easily put a hefty down payment on a house. I'm going to live with my parents for another year until I get on a department (maybe longer, we'll see). It'll double my income and I'll bring enough home per month to make the bills.
I could afford to live on my own right now, but I wouldn't put anything in the bank. not saving or living in debt doesn't work for me. I get along good with my parents and they like having me here. They let me stay rent free because I volunteer my bank statements so they know I'm making an effort to move forward (which my friends rag on me for "failure to launch" but they don't understand savings and investments, they are severly in debt) and tke care of the lawn and etc. What my friends pay in rent, I put into the bank, so although I techniqually have a higher disposible income, I have a similar budgeted income.
Not to be bragging, or be arrogant pretending I know it all. I know I don't know it all, but I have a pretty good understanding of what living on my own will be like, and I defanitly have a solid understanding of finances.