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  1. 4SeasonsPower

    Other Northern Michigan sunset

    I love Utah, but pictures like those make me question living in the desert. Very nice.
  2. 4SeasonsPower

    Super Jet Gasket maker?

    Install the gasket dry.
  3. 4SeasonsPower

    Freestyle Smaller/lighter battery options

    I sell WPS lithium batteries. They are less expensive than antigravity and just as light. The only downside is they are not as compact. Feel free to PM me with pricing and sizes.
  4. 4SeasonsPower

    Freestyle Smaller/lighter battery options

    I'm running a antigravity with TL. Works great.
  5. 4SeasonsPower

    Custom/Hybrid Backie Chan thread of awesomeness...

    I don't even see a backie chan let alone a power outlet :)
  6. 4SeasonsPower

    Super Jet Dome and cylinder pitting

    You need to split the cases and inspect the main bearings.
  7. 4SeasonsPower

    Best Li-Fe battery I have seen so far

    I have run a Ballistic and it failed in 5 minutes, and the warranty process was a complete joke. I currently run an Antigravity 16 cell and love it. If your not running a micro battery box like I am WPS just released new Lithium batteries. I can't speak for the reliability just yet since they...
  8. 4SeasonsPower

    Super Jet Dome and cylinder pitting

    I think the buzzard just summed it up. Tear it down.
  9. 4SeasonsPower

    Custom/Hybrid white sasquatch Rok-R build

    That's how I feel. Love/Hate
  10. 4SeasonsPower

    Freestyle Operation stryker

    Very Nice. Wide and LOW!
  11. 4SeasonsPower

    Other Looking for advice on a crank

    I rebuild cranks in house for most applications, but when it comes to PWC I use SBT. For the cost and warranty i cant compete. In the 5 years I have been using them I haven't had a failure. I'm not saying they are the best, but they have held up for me and my customers. Just my personal experience.
  12. 4SeasonsPower

    Other Ripoff alert two superjets stolen from my house in laughlin nevada last

    Seems to me the "good guy" was indeed a "bad guy". I think he got caught with the ski in his possession and managed to play it cool and fool you into believing he had nothing to do with it. If he indeed did nothing wrong he wouldn't be getting "cold feet" and trying to withhold names. As some of...
  13. 4SeasonsPower

    Custom/Hybrid My Wifes Rok-r build ....

    I have no idea why WDK decided to use push fittings. My least favorite part of my ROK-R. Now I have huge holes in the hull, when he could have just used a normal hull through fitting.
  14. 4SeasonsPower

    Custom/Hybrid My Wifes Rok-r build ....

    Dont do it!!! :) worst battery experience in my life
  15. 4SeasonsPower

    SXR 1800 sxr african style

    SWEET BABY JESUS!!! that things crazy
  16. 4SeasonsPower

    Custom/Hybrid WDK ROK-R Build

    I'm running the waterbox, but its rear mounted. Very quiet. Good call on the lines. If your referring to the engine coupler cover, I'm running a stock superjet cover.
  17. 4SeasonsPower

    Custom/Hybrid WDK ROK-R Build

    I'm sure you could run it sideways and make it work. I chose the simpler route and modified the tank because the tank pod was already bonded to the hull and I would rather melt a tank than start cutting the pod and or hull :) I have been running the pipe as it is for a week. Running full tanks...
  18. 4SeasonsPower

    Custom/Hybrid WDK ROK-R Build

    Thank you. Its a fun ski
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