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  1. Pablo

    Freestyle 2016 MAXX w/ TPE Build

    Nice work Zane. Looking great!
  2. Pablo

    the trivial complaints thread

    Might as well be skinny jeans. I hate all those fads. Normal/relaxed pants please. No nut-huggers and no sagging either. Just normal. U can keep slouch beanie whatever they're called too. Trendy, metro, pc, overly sensitive, pushy, Bernie Sanders wannabe types.
  3. Pablo

    the trivial complaints thread

    Farking do it!!! I hate scammers and love reading the stories for people that troll them hard. It's like a secret infatuation of mine.
  4. Pablo

    What's your view look like today?

    Do one of those old Pontiac fiero conversions with it.
  5. Pablo

    Strap length for limitedslip tanks

    I have been using a 5 gal limitedslip tank for a couple years now and it's been a perfect investment. Looking for advice on strap length from those that are using the roller hooks that allow u to "double up" the strap (and not tie a knot in the strap to take up slack). I have several worn...
  6. Pablo

    What's your view look like today?

    My surgeons reason for delaying our case together... We have a board in the OR that lists every room delay and the reason for the delay. He gave a personal account. Stand up dude;)
  7. Pablo

    The blind leading the blind FootRocket build

    I'd lean towards the couch mount culprit. I've had to ditch my couch mounts before because they're too tall for certain Skis. Either mill the bases of the mounts, grind on bed plates or swap mounts. Sucks but not many options.
  8. Pablo

    Other What did you fab up today? A thread for the home fabricators!

    This @Scraggly is the man!
  9. Pablo

    Why not 2 part closed cell foam a tray

    Ping pong balls are expensive. I've seen 2L bottles and water bottles stuffed in there. Now that's cheap.
  10. Pablo

    Other What did you fab up today? A thread for the home fabricators!

    About to "fab" up an exit strategy for that omelette.
  11. Pablo

    Other What did you fab up today? A thread for the home fabricators!

    About to fab up a "Colorado" omelet and crush it at IHOP with my wife for a little birthday breakfast.
  12. Pablo

    What's your view look like today?

    Luxe! I like it. Wish I had a sweet ski hauler.
  13. Pablo

    2016 Phantom Island Tribal Build

    Behind carbs. It should fit. Measure thickness of ebox plus bracket and some nylon washers to space it off side of hull a couple mm. Measure and test fit distance from hood lip too for batt cable clearance and distance to run to starter/battery.
  14. Pablo

    Character themed Ski

  15. Pablo

    What's your view look like today?

    No other view I prefer more.
  16. Pablo

    the trivial complaints thread

    Waiting in line behind peeps that act like they don't known WTF they sell or have at subway. Don't stand there and say umm after u been waiting in line 10"!
  17. Pablo

    Jetkis, bikes, drones, rc cars = Unreal weekend

    That video gives me wood. I was all tensed up @1:40 for the guy that lost his ski and was saying "GET UR ASS BACK ON! UR ABOUT TO GET SWAMPED!!!" Lol. Good times there. #jealous
  18. Pablo

    What's your view look like today?

    Bacon is prolly my favorite food, food group, snack and anytime treat!!!
  19. Pablo

    Today was a good day - the counter to trivial complaints

    I don't mind it much anymore. It took 6 mos or so to get used to not seeing the other half of the fork. To tell u the truth though, I'd go back to a traditional fork for performance. Some peeps love these but I'm constantly having to fiddle with it. My last specialized had Fox Float forks...
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