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  1. Waldbjoern

    Compression on a OEM 701 with ada girdle and 35CC domes. (New question regarding crank)

    Thanks for the input - but bare in mind I live in denmark - so not many to send the crank too for rebuild :/ Ill try to figure out who to send it too. Your talking about eletronic Water injection - hows that done?
  2. Waldbjoern

    Compression on a OEM 701 with ada girdle and 35CC domes. (New question regarding crank)

    Cheers for all your answers :) Ive decided to do a full teardown since I've never inspected the engine myself - only just got it a few seasons back, so it was time for a full inspect anyway. Also it was time for a new set of crank seals so bottom needs to go off anyway. The pistons and cylinders...
  3. Waldbjoern

    Compression on a OEM 701 with ada girdle and 35CC domes. (New question regarding crank)

    As the thread indicates imm in doubt about what compression to expect - and if i should replace the piston rings. Imm getting a 180PSI on the front and 175PSI on the back. Its a OEM 701 with ada girdle and 35CC domes. Cheers
  4. Waldbjoern

    Freestyle Can a flywheel (lightened) go bad ?

    Yeah - its still the BOB all right :) The complete E-system is up for swap. And to reply on the other posts, all the coils on the stator has bin checked and is within tolerance. Also a complete stator has bin tried without luck. So without doubt - its NOT one of the coils on the stator.
  5. Waldbjoern

    Freestyle Can a flywheel (lightened) go bad ?

    Thanks for your input.. I've also just tested with another flywheel, and it didn't tweak the charging output one bit :17:
  6. Waldbjoern

    Freestyle Can a flywheel (lightened) go bad ?

    I am still experiencing problems with my ski - and the problem is by time narrowed down to a few possible things. I've found out that my ski only charges with approximately 12v, and when i check on other skies they charge with approx 13,5-14v. Both times i've had the ski run awesome for like...
  7. Waldbjoern

    Freestyle Jetmaniac ported 701 - 210PSI - too much for regular pump gas? (PROBLEM SOLVED)

    Problem solved! After getting a new (used stator) things were looking good! We tried measuring the resistance in the different coils, and found the pulsar coil to be off tolerance! After trying out with a new one things worked smoothly! BIG thanks to all who came with ideas to fix the...
  8. Waldbjoern

    Freestyle Jetmaniac ported 701 - 210PSI - too much for regular pump gas? (PROBLEM SOLVED)

    Still waiting to try out the new stator coils. Updates on the matter will be posted here. :bump:
  9. Waldbjoern

    Freestyle Jetmaniac ported 701 - 210PSI - too much for regular pump gas? (PROBLEM SOLVED)

    Have you seen the YouTube clip - does it sound the same aswell?
  10. Waldbjoern

    Freestyle Jetmaniac ported 701 - 210PSI - too much for regular pump gas? (PROBLEM SOLVED)

    Sorry about not replying on all threads, but many of your suggestions has already bin tried and replied to :) But keep the suggestions coming. Trying to get a hold of some new stator coils - that's next up for try!
  11. Waldbjoern

    Freestyle Jetmaniac ported 701 - 210PSI - too much for regular pump gas? (PROBLEM SOLVED)

    I've always bin using the ones with the removable top - tbh I have never seen anyone run the BR8ES with a non removerble top. I've used different sets of plugs, also tried BR7ES. The last electrical problem that I can think of, and that haven't bin changed is the stator coils. Waiting for...
  12. Waldbjoern

    Freestyle Jetmaniac ported 701 - 210PSI - too much for regular pump gas? (PROBLEM SOLVED)

    Cause it's all bin checked and double checked! Next thing up is stator coils..
  13. Waldbjoern

    Freestyle Jetmaniac ported 701 - 210PSI - too much for regular pump gas? (PROBLEM SOLVED)

    New carbs were tested today and still the exact same problem - so the problem is not in the fuel line!!
  14. Waldbjoern

    Freestyle Jetmaniac ported 701 - 210PSI - too much for regular pump gas? (PROBLEM SOLVED)

    New used carbs just arrived, and i've taken the ones that I have bin using apart (also the ones that i've rebuild) and i've noticed that the membranes are bending and its like they are too big! Take a look at the pictures.. Last picture shows the old membrane (the one on the left) thats...
  15. Waldbjoern

    Freestyle Jetmaniac ported 701 - 210PSI - too much for regular pump gas? (PROBLEM SOLVED)

    Allright - This one is on me :thumbsdown: I Can see that the spes that i linked is on fact not the specs i run. In the carbs are main 135, pilot 70. I took the info from FP's homepage, and by accident took the wrong year carbs! Sorry the inconvenience :<
  16. Waldbjoern

    Freestyle Jetmaniac ported 701 - 210PSI - too much for regular pump gas? (PROBLEM SOLVED)

    And for filters it's running dual tau-cetti 2,5" :Banane57:
  17. Waldbjoern

    Freestyle Jetmaniac ported 701 - 210PSI - too much for regular pump gas? (PROBLEM SOLVED)

    I really do appreciate all the input that I can get. But if you all were to read the entire thread, you would see that those jets and springs needle and seats has worked twice before, and when it worked all was perfect. Then it started to go bad, and it kept getting worse and worse. And that...
  18. Waldbjoern

    Freestyle Jetmaniac ported 701 - 210PSI - too much for regular pump gas? (PROBLEM SOLVED)

    Regarding the fuel line imm 100% that there is nothing plugging it. Also the valve in the tank works correctly.. But regarding the waterbox - that's not bin checked!! That's on the to do list tomorrow. Also I have a new set of carbs coming my way that imm going to try tomorrow that has bin said...
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