so the main problem was a bad start stop switch. when I unhooked the white and black wires on the switch the first time and it did nothing I ruled it out.
It did nothing because I only skimmed the msd instructions and didn't hook up the red wire in line with the fuse. I thought I read it was...
what does this mean??
Not getting spark when pushing start button but get 1 spark the instant I let off of the button?
Super frustrated. Need some advice
This thing is coming out sweet!
I'm surprised you didn't get a 46 carb since you bought new.
What are your plans for the seat?? My seat is thrashed so I will be watching for ideas.
Got mine dialed in now with some die grinder love. not hard at all and matches the gasket well. There was some material to blend out on the exit side too by the spray bar
TNT, the directions didn't say but is there an optimum position to clock the spray bar?
I got this 61x ebox and wondering what the plug I am holding with 4 wires is for. I know the other 2 plugs are for the stop start.
Is is for gauges or something on a couch?
Can I trace them back to the box and delete them?
The floss method works great but the key is you need to hold the side of the plug across from your knot down first and then pull the knot side through. It's hard to explain. I will post a picture. Otherwise the floss will rip
Someone on eBay was trying to get 600 or 700$ for just the cylinder. I have no clue what they are worth but I know there are at least 3 guys on pwctoday looking for one. I have one too that I am looking foreward to trying out this summer if nobody steps up and buys it. They are supposed to run...
Your project is looking good.
The extreme adjusters are definatly worth checking out, I am very happy with mine.
What is the deal with epoxy on the intake manifold? I tried researching it but couldn't find anything
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