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    Blaster wb 1100 complete *pics and vids*

    i've never ridden a highly moded wb1. but it is much better than stock.. even though i only rode it once b4 the swap occured. the wieght seems to make it jump more like a regular jet ski (it comes down level not ass first)

    Blaster wb 1100 complete *pics and vids*

    ok so ordered the new prop got a skat 15/20 we'll see how long it takes to get though...

    Other 760 motor into 1998 1200 hull

    you might need to get a Longer pto shaft; but i think that motor already has that feature..

    Blaster wb 1100 complete *pics and vids*

    i got thirty five miles on a tank at 80% throttle. (on flat water)

    Blaster wb 1100 complete *pics and vids*

    excellent... until the pumpshoe broke and i had to pull off the worx intake grate. (ordered the new aluminum pump shoe already) It seems to like to have a full gas tank we were carrying a girl on the back through long no wake zones no problem. nose sits hella low though

    Blaster wb 1100 complete *pics and vids*

    SO i completed the water testing phase for my waveblaster 1100 (it now had 15 hours inthe water) most kink worked out. SO it's time to put a prop on; I read people have used skat 16/23 c-75 swirl or a solas 15/20 anybody have any other recomendations? I have more photos and videos to post...
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