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  1. swapmeet

    the trivial complaints thread

    It would seem that's the thing to do. But no. Plumber is coming back out today to try and locate clean outs. @Pablo
  2. swapmeet

    2016 SJ pic

    dunno if anyone's posted this yet.
  3. swapmeet

    the trivial complaints thread

    Epic story is epic. Thank you sir.
  4. swapmeet

    the trivial complaints thread

    My trivial complaint isn't that trivial. You never realize how important it is for the water/ poop/ pee etc to exit your residence until it doesn't. Saturday night we discover that we have... a blockage... and it's not just one toilet. I do research and all the symptoms point to a blocked sewer...
  5. swapmeet

    the trivial complaints thread

    Jetmaniac is the only person I know who has luck with sending me things via USPS. I hate using them. The percentage of sketchy dumb crap to happen is so much higher with USPS vs using UPS or Fedex... to me anyway. Obviously things change regionally.
  6. swapmeet

    Phantom specs

    *satan Nobody wants to see a clone of your sheets :D
  7. swapmeet

    Why don't I ever see dyno's?

  8. swapmeet

    Freestyle Blunder Jet

    At this point I think i'd get excited if @Aquaholic posted a photo of the VHS tapes.
  9. swapmeet

    Custom/Hybrid The Rocket Build 2.0

    I'm half tempted to ride this weekend, crazy Texas weather. Love the FR Austin. I wants it.
  10. swapmeet

    OG Backie Chan paint for sale

    Just the offshore boat hull thing. I envision someone on a 1/8 scale pickle fork thing in the surf with a 650 in it.
  11. swapmeet

    OG Backie Chan paint for sale

    IDK why I laughed so hard at this.
  12. swapmeet

    E-T 967 Dyno results

    Kinda sounds like a hull mfg I know of. Tons of fancy stats on their revolutionary hull material on their fancy website, but no comparative information to the material used in rest of the industry. Bravo to E-Tech for posting dyno results. Brian has a point, its tough to know if your numbers...
  13. swapmeet

    OG Backie Chan paint for sale

    Just now seeing this. Wow. Wow wow wow. I've heard the same statements concerning "who" built the first hulls. I don't think it matters who's name is on the underwear of the guy doing the work, the hull came from Trendsetterz owned by Steve, Trendsetterz/ Steve promised multiple people...
  14. swapmeet

    Other Official picture thread of Daytona 2016.

    Some of it is angle. The person taking the photo is probably getting their feet wet.
  15. swapmeet

    What I learned about Resin today

    Yeah I don't trust pumps. I haven't gotten to the point of weighing everything, which is what I understand the pros do. I use a mixing cup that has graduations and match the ratios that are listed.
  16. swapmeet

    What I learned about Resin today

    I'm using slow hardener and its relatively chilly in my garage. (40's?) It takes a solid 48 hours for everything to dry nice and crispy. @Vumad (I think) the resin itself really isn't that smelly. I haven't tried to warn it up because there's been enough useable liquid in the bottle for my...
  17. swapmeet

    Freestyle How I learned to freestyle on SuperJet (June 2009 - Sep 2010)

    IMO, a majority of the people on this forum know of you, weather it be in a positive or negative light. But i'm certain that its only from information or activities that have occurred in the last 3-5 years, and strictly in reference to your professional career. Its very interesting and to me...
  18. swapmeet

    Other Official picture thread of Daytona 2016.

    Fantastic photos! Thank you so much for sharing. Really enjoyed seeing all the riding and hulls etc.
  19. swapmeet

    sunk my brand new 2015 WDK rip...she gone

    Hell yeah man, and I have to commend your attitude on the whole thing. I'm not sure i'd be so jovial.
  20. swapmeet

    A/m hull questions

    Yeah, these guys make great points. Every AM hull is a little different. And sometimes the same hull will ride different with that seems like the same drive train because of differences in ride plate or pole length. For example: Hurricane Hulls are very loose, and will rotate and flip super...
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