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  1. swapmeet

    Hauling my jetski on my pontoon boat ideas

    Oh lord yeah man, i'd reinforce the crap out of it. You're talking about hanging 350lbs out on the end of a crane. Lots of torsional force applied to the deck. Cause if the deck lets go, your crane could come down on the ski. Make unwanted holes. No bueno.
  2. swapmeet

    Welders, waterbox....

    That looks better. I concur with the comments about where it broke. The weld should never come free from the base metal. It should break/ crack/ bend next to the weld because that metal has been heated and 'weakened' in comparison to the weld. Good luck.
  3. swapmeet

    Today was a good day - the counter to trivial complaints

    Never heard of a Epi-pen.... But glad you're alive! So I'm on day 86 or 87 of my hiring process I think? Still not an employee. BUT.... We came to an agreement on compensation today. Huge step. I think it's all down hill from here. The owner of my current company is gonna crap 3 cinder...
  4. swapmeet

    America's Got Talent

    Doesn't look like Daniel will be back on. :(
  5. swapmeet

    the trivial complaints thread

    My trivial complaint is that I can't sleep.
  6. swapmeet

    the trivial complaints thread

    Oooooooh lawd you might want to put a fuel filter on that thing.... Damn.
  7. swapmeet

    the trivial complaints thread

  8. swapmeet

    When flat water guys think about ocean riding...

    Lets hold off on making judgements for just a quick second... is that a stripper pole next to the hot tub?
  9. swapmeet

    the trivial complaints thread

    Yeah I was in the Greenville area for my barrage of interviews. That's a really pretty part of the country. Southern hospitality etc etc. Nice topography, smoky mountains, lots of history, trees, southern accents, southern food.......
  10. swapmeet

    the trivial complaints thread

    This probably fits in this thread. So... ya'll remember my whole job search thing? Well its been moving along at a pace that would be eclipsed by grass growing.... on the north pole. I submitted my resume 11 weeks ago... I called and spoke to HR 2 days after I submitted it. Since then i've...
  11. swapmeet

    Custom/Hybrid Juan JOLO

    IDK why but this gif is really making me chuckle. This is exactly what I said out loud when I read the question. LMFAO....
  12. swapmeet

    Hauling my jetski on my pontoon boat ideas

    I think thats what I posted. If I get a pontoon I plan on either buying something like this or making it myself. I was going to do it so I could put a ski on either side. You could have some sort of floatation on the end of these things so the back of the ski would kind of ride in the water?
  13. swapmeet

    Freestyle Factory Backie Chan

    Sorry about what happened. I know full well the struggle one feels concerning leaving bad feedback. Its your last resort. You try to be reasonable and find a compromise with someone. You have to pretty much give up all hope of the seller/ builder doing the right thing. It sucks to have to get to...
  14. swapmeet

    Custom/Hybrid Juan JOLO

    So I left my fuel jugs outside all winter got water in the gas (or so i'm told), ran the Chan at the Spring LSFR. Water in the gas = water in the carbs. I was full of quit that day so I just packed my stuff and came home. Since then it's been flooding here I haven't been real motivated to dick...
  15. swapmeet

    Hilarious thread of nonjetskiers talking about standups

    That gave me tired head trying to read all the bickering.
  16. swapmeet

    Super Jet Swapmeet's "Really?" RN build

    Ya'll are the best. Kind of bitter sweet tearing this thing apart. I've spent the last 4 hours re-reading this thread lol... What a ride man... I'll entertain offers to buy the complete ski, but theres a 86% chance i'm just going to part it out.
  17. swapmeet

    Super Jet Swapmeet's "Really?" RN build

    This ski will be parted out soon. That is all.
  18. swapmeet

    superjet dies while riding

    Could be an exhaust leak. Start ski, air in bilge area allows it to run. Then you gun it and it fills the bilge with C02 and the engine dies but will start again later on.
  19. swapmeet

    Today was a good day - the counter to trivial complaints

    I've been scowering the interwebs for reclaimed 1x6's to do this to a wall in our house. I may take the route you took. I'll probably distress the wood some. You'd be amazed the results you can get running a torch over the grain.
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