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  1. jetpilot36

    Tim Judge VS jetworks

    I did not know art could program msd. That is good to know. I wonder if judge does the same?
  2. jetpilot36

    Tim Judge VS jetworks

    I just got 2 quotes from both places on getting my cases ported and my cylinder ported. judge was significantly more expensive when it came to case porting. i know art is renowned for his work and does a great job. But so is Judge. i'm looking to get as much out of my small bore 62t and 61x as...
  3. jetpilot36

    what size bearings do yall use for rebuild

    Its fit 1 and 1\4 inch bearings. Thanks though.
  4. jetpilot36

    Super Jet Check out my Fuel!!

    fuel pickups are at bottom of tank. i was running av gas, so i guess it didnt want to mix. i was litterally trying to burn straight water. i could start it on starting fluid, and it would run for about 5 seconds then just choke out. i took all the fuel out and put it in the clear tea containers...
  5. jetpilot36

    Super Jet Check out my Fuel!!

    Ha Ha! umm.... yeah it ran fine with a tow rope.
  6. jetpilot36

    Super Jet Check out my Fuel!!

    Did a fountain and then my ski started cutting out. then I had to be towed in. My fuel tank vent line popped off causing major water ingestion. I thought it was my ignition at first, but then I noticed water on my plugs. I decided to do a take a fuel sample and here's what I got..
  7. jetpilot36

    Trendsetterz who got scammed

    the reason sooooooo many people got ripped off and will continue to get ripped off is simply this: no one has done anything to him. no one has contacted an attorney, showed up to his house, etc heck he even had that buzzard dude thinking "duuh maybe he's tellin the truth. not sure.." no...
  8. jetpilot36

    MSD TL question

    not really. I was ready to upgrade to digital anyway. now if anything fails, I can just replace it. my old system was obsolete. I had to always get stuff used cause msd didn't make it anymore
  9. jetpilot36

    MSD TL question

    no. I had to get a whole new complete system.
  10. jetpilot36

    MSD TL question

    no. I had to get a whole new complete system.
  11. jetpilot36

    Other Always tighten everything...

    :eek:i usually just weld mine!!
  12. jetpilot36

    suddnely not liking restarts

    i would just eliminate the one way valve. just run an open line to the gas tank so it has atmospheric pressure all the time.
  13. jetpilot36

    MSD TL question

    i think i found a system. 42351 new school.
  14. jetpilot36

    ramping the fingers 62t

    well, ive decided i dont want to worry if my ramps are seperating or not. ive contacted jetworks and im gonna send it over to him for some cylinder porting and case porting. cant wait!
  15. jetpilot36

    msd 3 channel

    ok. thats what i was assuming. i could probably get it to work, but it wont be like a regular TL. i think ive found a TL system anyway. thanks
  16. jetpilot36

    msd 3 channel

    I had a member offer me a 3 channel brain. I think I know the answer to this question, but is there anyway to use this with a single pick up? I have a single trigger with dual magnets. just wondering if it will work? STILL LOOKING FOR A 4270 BRAIN. ANYONE?
  17. jetpilot36

    MSD TL question

    thats what im thinking. i also failed to mention that when i was turning over the crank by hand to see the led, every time the led lit up, the brain made a little squeak noise. im not kidding. i did it like 10 times just to make sure i was actually hearing what i was hearing. Now im looking...
  18. jetpilot36

    MSD TL question

    i have the old school 4270. its been working fine for me for a few seasons now. But recently when i put the ski in the water, she wont rev up. i have BJ 44s and they're very clean. i doubt its a fuel issue. so anyway, i was dissasembling the ski yesterday and i decided to check my timing. my TL...
  19. jetpilot36

    ramping the fingers 62t

    why do people ramp the fingers? i have my engine apart right now and took the intake off to inspect the reeds. the ramp stuff is seperated from the fingers and seems to be lifting. its like jb weld or something. does anyone know what this stuff is? i want to replace it myself.
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