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  1. Baja 252

    Freestyle Extra cylinder cooling

    I don't have one of it, sorry. The water distribution block is way down underneath and can't really get a photo of it. I plan on pulling the engine in the next few weeks I'll get one then if you still need it.
  2. Baja 252

    Freestyle Extra cylinder cooling

    Sorry forgot that, it has a line going to it also.
  3. Baja 252

    Freestyle Extra cylinder cooling

    Our Dasa has a water distribution block with one 1/2" line going to the exhaust manifold, then 2 - 3/8" lines going to the front cylinder and 2 more 3/8" lines going into rear cylinder (like pictured above). Then the 4 - 3/8" lines in the head dump overboard.
  4. Baja 252

    Paint code for superjet

    I'm not a paint expert, but I have bought the "correct Yamaha" paint from Colorite for 2 different skis. Unfortunately it hasn't held up well at all and it's not cheap. Now days I would think any good paint shop should be able to match it and use something that would hold up better on a ski.
  5. Baja 252

    RICKTER talk

    The widest point on our XFS is around the hood latch area and it's about 29" across from the outside of each rub rail. From the nose to the rear center part (it sticks out further) of the tray is 81" Depending on what pump or nozzle set-up you have it will stick out beyond the tray. Our 155mm...
  6. Baja 252

    New Super Jet, which year to choose?

    Both the blue/orange and black/white are good looking skis. Photo taken at World Finals 2015.
  7. Baja 252

    New Super Jet, which year to choose?

    I have seen the bk/orange and bk/blue SJ's that have hood cancer already. I assume it's because the black asorbs the heat better and that somehow activates the mold realese Yamaha uses. I'm no expert, but our black 04 has more paint issues than our blue SJ has. Personaly I like the...
  8. Baja 252

    3M 5200 VS. West Systems Gflex

    Both good products, but very different to me. 5200 is very strong, but in a very flexible way. G Flex sets up much harder so it's stronger to me, but not as flexible.
  9. Baja 252

    Freestyle How do I quiet my ski down?

    Install a turndown on the exhaust exit, like a stock SXR has might help s little.
  10. Baja 252

    Would this work for a hitch hauler?

    Well I can't get the link to work. Northern Tool has a cargo carrier on sale for $40
  11. Baja 252

    Rickter XFS Competition 1200cc Xscream

    I'd guess a 2015, same graphics as our 16, but sides are a little different.
  12. Baja 252

    who has kewl tow rigs

    Does that close with the VP jugs?
  13. Baja 252

    who has kewl tow rigs

    Look close and you can see our tow rig in the background.
  14. Baja 252

    XFS Comp DASA 1200 Loads up after spins???

    I don't see how trim and a Flowguard would cause it to load up? I thought it was carbs, but the odds of us both having the same issue is too high.
  15. Baja 252

    XFS Comp DASA 1200 Loads up after spins???

    RRP with a Flowguard
  16. Baja 252

    XFS Comp DASA 1200 Loads up after spins???

    Exact same issue with our XFS (1000 Dasa). Our exhaust (RRP) and waterbox are raised up and the exhaust hose is also humped up and back down to outlet, so I don't think we're getting any water running around the pipe.
  17. Baja 252

    Who re-pitches there own impellers w/ Jettlab gauge?
  18. Baja 252

    Who re-pitches there own impellers w/ Jettlab gauge?

    Yes, but you need to understand what your bending, trailing edge or leading edge. You only bend the last couple of inches and you will need a good jig to hold the prop tight, a vice isn't going to cut it.. I made one with a 1/2" thick plate and welded it to an old receiver so I could slip it...
  19. Baja 252

    rickter i need hood straps?

    IMO barrel rolls, surf & side landings = straps
  20. Baja 252

    Having trouble with prowatercraft sponsons

    Call them.
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