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  1. durhamgoat

    the trivial complaints thread

    I go on vacation for a week 2,000 miles from home at a lakefront house with dock and cannot bring any of my skis. Bad enough, but then some character parks a a superjet and a x-2 right in front of the house on the shore and leaves them for the day.
  2. durhamgoat

    2015 Campsite list and who is where

    Me and my crew in p4
  3. durhamgoat

    SXR Free Rider

    What Rollin said. I run Kawi drivetrain in aftermarket hull works fine. I believe eme has mounts for Kawi that allow for direct bolt in.
  4. durhamgoat

    sick 550 jetski edit

  5. durhamgoat

    Milky build up in carbs

    Don't know what ski you have but mine did that when my breathers did not go all the way down to the bilge. They only extended about 3" down from the hood liner and dumped water right about the same height as the flame arrestors, I lengthened them and cleared up about 95% of the milky.
  6. durhamgoat

    Boyesen RAD intake Oring size

    They probably are as they are only .030 different diameter and 50 durometer will compress pretty easy.
  7. durhamgoat

    Painful watching others ride

    As soon as I get this thing in there its back in the water!
  8. durhamgoat

    Boyesen RAD intake Oring size

    Thanks. I found one that fits perfect. Its a dash 034 and its 2 1/8 inside by 2 1/4 outside 1/16" diameter. I got mine local but McMaster has them 9452K12
  9. durhamgoat

    Rad Dudes phone #?

    Got email and we got the message happening. All good.
  10. durhamgoat

    Rad Dudes phone #?

    I think im real. I sent the email again just now and messaged you again. Try messaging me.
  11. durhamgoat

    Rad Dudes phone #?

    I tried email to rad dudes and pm to @Twinturbostang without any response. Is there another way to contact them?
  12. durhamgoat

    Boyesen RAD intake Oring size

    Anyone know the size of the orings that go between the plates?
  13. durhamgoat

    Freestyle Let's talk tail cones

    Sent you an email. Looking for a stubby cone
  14. durhamgoat

    External fuel pump

    Tshank is correct, I have full spec 49's and that is what Ed recomended. Your carbs may be different.
  15. durhamgoat

    Freestyle Let's talk tail cones

    Thanks, that's why I put maxxx in my post, didn't know he had alternate sizes than what ships with his pumps. Also wondered if there were any other manufacturers that have the same diameter or his specific?
  16. durhamgoat

    Freestyle Let's talk tail cones

    Dredging up an old thread, anyone know which cones do fit the maxxx pump well? @maxxx555
  17. durhamgoat

    External fuel pump

    Bruceski is correct, I think I am running a 60 jet in my return line.
  18. durhamgoat

    External fuel pump

    I haven't had any trouble with the pulse line length at all however I was thinking of relocating it to the wall closer to the carbs just to clean up around the tank a little and make more room for my breather tubes. The reason for an external fuel pump is the single pump supplies fuel to both...
  19. durhamgoat

    External fuel pump

    I did zip ties at first but wanted a little more permanent. Works good and the straps pass behind the bolts.
  20. durhamgoat

    External fuel pump

    The cart tank has a single threaded hole in it so I made a triangular piece of aluminum plate with one hole to run a bolt through into the tank thread and used two bolts to bolt the ears of the fuel pump to the plate.
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