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  1. st.clair.jetski

    Humorous listing on e-bay...

    theres a little bit of copper and maybe some stainless in that, scrap metal is doing alright right now
  2. st.clair.jetski

    booo winter

    somebody spent a couple minutes building that snow sculpture
  3. st.clair.jetski

    booo winter

    this is what came down the river the last few weeks where i ride ): DAMN I WISH I WAS IN DAYTONA
  4. st.clair.jetski

    Other What does Everyone do for a Living???

  5. st.clair.jetski

    sxi pro sank

    i took it home and fired it up on the trailer for a bit, cleaned the plugs a bunch of times and fogged the chit out of it. then started to defoam the hull and install footholds, bilges ect.. jus started that job
  6. st.clair.jetski

    sxi pro sank

    i suppose it was not directly related to my ski sinking but it was the reason for me to put my sx together, and led to the jetting issue keeping me from riding.
  7. st.clair.jetski

    sxi pro sank

    Well wen my ski sank i decided to winterize it and start rebuilding. but i needed a ski to ride for the last few weeks of the season. so i put the AC pole, pump, msd into the 93 sx with a small pin motor i had in my house. But it had a stock 38mm carb and with my factory pipe it needed re...
  8. st.clair.jetski

    sxi pro sank

    perfect! that is exactly the info i needed. i wasnt sure if 155 was .155 of a inch or cm. but now im off to the hardware store to buy a tiny a$$ drill bit so i can go for a ride. goin crazy watchin everyone ride adn having 1 single jet hold me back
  9. st.clair.jetski

    sxi pro sank

    so i sank my sxi pro a few weeks ago, wont get into details but i left it tied up for way too long and the waves beat it up till it sank, so i fogged out and basically winterized my bigpin motor. so i set about putting my FP limited pipe on my small pin, installed msd, ac handlepole and pump...
  10. st.clair.jetski

    SX/SXi/SXi Pro 750sx carb help-MIKUNI SBN44

    if there was an aftermarket pipe on it then you would call the pipe manufacturer and they would usually have the jetting. for a stock pipe i am not sure, i kno the jets for the stock keihin carb but not for a sbn 44. i dont kno if calling kawi would do any justice but if u have a dealer near by...
  11. st.clair.jetski

    What Is going on? look at my plugs please.

    it looks like there is milk on the 1 plug, have you had water get in there lately cuz that is what it looks like. as for the black plug im not sure
  12. st.clair.jetski

    hypethetical situation, need advice.

    a case of beer is in order! my buddy in MI lets me ship stuff to his place all the time, wen he brings things over i just hook him up with a case and he's grinnin. plus up here, a case of beer goes along way (EH!)
  13. st.clair.jetski

    Is $100 too much for a 62T/61X low hour motor?

    buddy picked up a SN SJ with 61x cylinder, milled head, rive cdi, factory pipe ect ect the list goes on for 50$ from some marina near by. someone left it there, the guy wanted 100$ but it was all dusty so he gave hinm 50$
  14. st.clair.jetski

    what not to do........

    i think we all have had our run-ins with the authorities, last fall i was working 10 hours a day and i would rip home to try to get out before it got too dark. the river i ride on is a border between the US and canada so we get the US sheriff on our side sometimes. well i get pulled over...
  15. st.clair.jetski

    SX/SXi/SXi Pro 750 sxi pro hull & foam???

    finally somebody hacked up an sxi pro, i have to do mine but i was holding off cause i couldnt find anything to go buy. sxi is hitting the chopping block asap now!
  16. st.clair.jetski

    SX/SXi/SXi Pro Water in pump !

    i think i heard somebody say that the 750 sx pump has sealed bearings, infact i heard a guy ran with no pump cone before. was the o-ring in the cone trashed?
  17. st.clair.jetski

    Jet ski for my girl

    let her have the 750 and get something nice for yourself! and yeah any of the girls i let ride the ski are afraid of the throttle, once they figured that out they usually do better then some of my buddies, prolly cuz they're way lighter. also, i kno wen i first learned goin from 550 to...
  18. st.clair.jetski

    Superjet not drawing fuel?

    maybe ur gas tank isnt venting, no air getting in mite stop gas from goin out
  19. st.clair.jetski

    Finally! a good use for a SeaDoo?

    that looks like a blast, me and a buddy have a little boat maybe 10ft long called a hydrostream, we put a 65 johnson on there and it rips like that guy was ripping but maybe just a little more stable. (not much tho) good use for a couch too!
  20. st.clair.jetski

    Whats next for SXR

    every time i have to lift my ski or my buddies i can easily notice the difference in wieght. my buddies stock RN SJ is SOOOO much lighter then my kawi. I'd like to see a stock kawi hull that is as light as a SJ hull. a lighter hull still packing an 800 might be a nice little setup. IMO
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